Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Two worlds apart

Two worlds, two identities, but one name….

Exactly a decade earlier, I used to be called by my biological name D-O-W-E-L. Friends, family and classmates addressed me by my first name where letter O is pronounced roundly as O.

10 years after, my name has evolved from letter O to letter A thus from college, I was known to be D-A-W-E-L until the meteor garden phenomenon had had transformed my name to D-A-O.
The change of name was also a transformation of personality. From a timid teen to being very active in the sense that ideas are freely expressed now to friends and colleagues.

Last Saturday, 24th of April, the old world collided with my new world. In a single day, I met the people from my past and to be called by my biological name somehow changed and sounded unfamiliar to me….

Time has indeed flown fast.

Thursday, April 1, 2010



One word I can think of that can describe my current state.

Finally, I am starting to reap off the fruits of my labor. Slowly, I am getting the things that I only bought through my mind before. Thanks to my loyal friends helping me out achieve these things.

It inspires me further to work harder and harder.

Against the odds, I can continue...
