Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Welcoming 2011, farewell 2010

Year 2011 is very fast approaching, with just 23 days left, we are all looking forward to a whole new beginning, or a continuation of the good things that happened in the previous year rather. With this busy Christmas season of love, giving and forgiving, one should also start planning for next year.

New Year Resolution is a thing of the past, the more important thing now is to strategically plan your future, as they call it properly, SMART goals: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-framed.

How time really flies, the busier you are, the faster it flies.

But before moving on to Year 2011, it is also significant that we reflect on our present year on both the negative and positive aspects of our lives.

Career wise, I must say it was a turn of events, a test of character and spirit, and a challenge of patience.

Year 2010 started with a bang, knowing very late that my former team lead was resigning, and I was the last one to know. It was a test of character and spirit because of constant squabble with the team manager until I reached the boiling point that I erupted and resulted to walking out of the conference room. That I think was the most unforgettable moment for me this year, it was a clash I never thought could happen, my colleagues and friends were astounded by my reaction, igniting and revolting. It was also the day that the new team lead witnessed our fight.

Year 2010 was a turn of events because from Muslim-Christian like relationship I had with my manager, it turned out to be the opposite. Former enemies now allies, so to speak. Irony of the ironies, who would have thought that from the original 5 leads, the team is now down to two individuals, myself and my team manager. My co-leads were re-assigned to other teams. I think no need to state the obvious.

Year 2010 is a challenge of patience because handling India Market is the most stressful thing about it. The market is too demanding and know-it-all and more often, I was arguing against them. Glad that I can over-power and over-rule them, with no escalations.

Year 2010, speaking of career, is a journey as I developed my leadership skills, as I improved my behaviour, and as I prepare for bigger tasks ahead. Who knows?

On another angle, Year 2010 was emotionally and financially catastrophic, on a personal note.
From day 1 till now, I was financially challenged, trying to meet all needs of our family and myself too. Fortunately, help always come along the way and I managed to help others. Difficult indeed but rewarding.

Emotionally because of misunderstandings among family members and within circle of friends. When you learn to humble yourself and find courage to admit your own faults, that tells a lot about yourself.

Now that 2010 is about to end, let us bring forward the lessons learned, and keep with us the memories that shaped ourselves to be the better us that we are presently…
