Tuesday, November 15, 2011

From a traveller's point of view

Learning happens to be the by-product of travel,unknowingly.

For a traveller,the primary goal is to see the place of interest and witness its diversity first hand. However,with travel comes the process of gathering knowledge and information about the people,the place and the travel itself.

I may not be a well-off traveller going to other countries but as an individual who has a passion for nature exploration, I am already blessed to get these chances so far.

Roxas,Cebu,Bohol,Puerto Galera,Tagaytay,Boracay,Coron and now-Puerto Princesa.

Having been to these wonders helped me appreciate more our nature,true enough,there can be nothing better than what nature can offer. Its beautiful and majestic. While manmade structures can please our eyes,the many paradise onEarth can amaze us in thousand of ways!

In every travel,meeting people is another opportunity. You get to understand different characters, lifestyles,backgrounds and purposes. There is a moment to always compare your status with them,not in the sense of jealousy like they can travel more and pay a lot but in knowing that you,yourself,is always ahead of the few.

One common example is for the drivers and tourist guides. Ask them questions and let them talk then you learn so much from them. They don't earn much but their simple living and humble attitudes can inspire a traveller like myself to thank every blessing I am receiving. Yes, financial problem co-exists with our lives because it is a partner to keep us on our line of sight,to have faith in Him.

I am blogging this because I could not believe I can even travel in the first place. I've come so far,to be honest,in terms of reaping the fruits of hardwork. For all this years, my subconscious mind must have triggered to where I am at the moment. The scarcity in my life helped me aim for a lot of things,for purpose...

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