Saturday, December 24, 2011

Blessings and Blessings

Today is the eve for Christmas but my blog is about ending the year appreciating Year 2011 which is by far the most successful-both in career and personal.

I can only be grateful how much I was blessed, among the milestones are as follows:

Travel and Vacation- got the opportunity to experience camping and reaching the summit of Mount Pulag last February. The exhaustion is basically from the heavy baggage and not because of the height. What was even more remembering is the cold temperature at night,it is freezing!

Afterwards, I enjoyed more places in the Philippines. Had a 2nd chance visiting Ilocos with Tuesday and friends hosted by my dear friend Marie Rose.

Then by summer,we went to Caramoan Islands in Bicol which is the most time consuming ever,too many land travel and boat rides! It was beautiful anyway! 

Before Caramoan, we had a nice bonding at Puerto Galera with April,Ghen,Monmon and AC. After several travels,you can compare places now.

Around August, I was invited to Tuesday to Bacolod to attend the wedding of her brother which by the way I filed as sick leave-bad of me!

Then on November, Brigitte came over where we went to Puerto Princesa and Coron- my all time favorite!

Did I miss any local travels? Hope not...

And among the biggest milestones- travelling to India! It wss never my dream to go to India but abroad is abroad and to be alone in a strange land with strange people is already an experience! India is full of historical buildings and figures. Never I imagined I will be able to visit the Taj Mahal-it was simply majestic!!!

In terms of career, I can say I did progress fast- I was promoted to JG6, a supervisory position! The setback is, I don't get paid for my overtime but on the positive side- I am almost near to becoming a team manager.

Further, because of my good performance in Inda, I was rewarded a bonus-half my salary-thanks Malcolm!

And again,my IPF was 1.2- Yahoo! Hope to get even higher this January 2012!

And what is 2011 without the gadgets?

Funny and how so ironic! I can certainly aspire and get the gadget that I want.

When I was just starting 7 years back, all I can do is to text using my officemate's mobile! Fast forward to present, I can now enjoy these things,still with difficulty on the money aspect but at least,it is much easier now to get one.

Galaxy Tab, SLR and now Iphone 4s are the most expensive items I bought for myself and each of these commemorate a wonderful event in my life.

The tab is the token of my fruitful 2010 performance which I bought last March. I can still feel how excited I was to get it... Unfortunately, the tab's price went down after just a week and it made me feel so sorry and stupid,luckily,I learned to accept the fact.

The SONY SLR is the by product of my India travel. I didn't had an allowance for this travel so I violated the company's rule on use of GCC. When I was in Singapore, I was convinced to buy the SLR which I strongly contested and against for quite a time. The effect of buying this? I was paid nothing ob my October pay-out and still has to deposit money back to the company. Now, I am free of debt for SLR.

Lastly, my Iphone 4s. Is this my Christmas gift to myself? Perhaps!

For a long time, I never was an Apple fan because their products are so expensive and limited in terms of features! But what made me change my mind and embrace Apple?

The only answer is- Apple is Apple with great customer support and trendy products.

Yes,Apple could not be the best manufacturer in the market but they make difference! Their products are simple but lovable...and I love Iphone 4s for that fact!

Further, the customer support is outstanding- they continue to upgrade older mobile phones unlike android phones which only gives the buyer an option to buy a newer model... however, I still love Android and Samsung so for tablets I go for Samsung and for Phone- I go for Iphone.

So for me,2011 is all about savings and spending!

Looking forward for an even better 2012, not just for me but for everyone!

God bless all of us

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