Sunday, April 28, 2013

30 Going 13

It's not everyday that a man turns 30, is it?

In about 1 hour and 2 minutes, I will officially become 30 years old. Question now, do I look physically 30?

Whatever the answer is, I will be one and there is no denial to it anyway.

What happened on the last 29 years or at least back from being a 13 years old which matters more. I was thirteen when I entered secondary grade, the top pilot section. I was so little that people keep picking on me. Back then, I always had been reserved, quiet, and studious.

Fast forwarding 17 years later, I remain to exhibit those traits. I think I will always be that man who prefers to be behind the curtains.

People of my age are either been married and raising a family or off abroad with their flourishing careers. As for me, I am at the peak of my career as well, very much single and will continue to be, maybe. There is some pressure? Yes, definitely. When I was asked the other what are my plans, I wasn't able to answer but in my mind, do I need to answer that? Or I am only afraid of my own answers?

But then again, I am an independent man, free actually. I would like to just enjoy myself with family and friends and let fate takes its course. We all have our own directions to take, and for that, to each is his own journey.

I'm grateful for new found friends and colleagues, and that is one reason to be happy.

Personally, I still have my unaccomplished mission, and that I need to realize, not for any other persons but for myself.

For the next and many years to come, thank you and to God be the Glory!
