Monday, May 13, 2013

True Value

Rught now, I am gaping at people coming in and out of stores wondering how much they could spend in a day. Surely, they have the means to purchase a lot and it makes me think, have they been rich since? Or do they earn so much in a month? 

Life for me has gone a long way. One proof is where I am sitting at the moment, I am just not elsewhere but Shangri La- may not be as classy as Rockwell or some other high end malls but certainly one fine place to be in, less crowdy and better ambience. Further, I am writing this down over my iPad Mini- imagine that? Giggling...

What is a true value? I remember chatting with a college classmate. I asked him where is our classmate who is a top student in the university and was told that she is holding a high position in Ayala. Then, my classmate told me, unlike him who is just a team manager because he was some sort, lazy and irresponsible. The words strucked me, why was he thinking that his position or title is something to be ashamed of? For one, it is a lead position and second, people are after that post.

We are both team managers, unlike him , I am no certified accountant yet. Wherever I am now, I am grateful, and I mean it. It took me years to get to this stage in my career. Back from my humble beginnings after graduation, I was like an all around office worker, accounting assistant, seasonal auditor, daily office clerk depositing money in the bank or posting courier for the cheques to different branches.

Now, I am a full pledged team manager handling 8 people under my watch. I am still adjusting, convincing myself to move from an individual contributor to people developer - and it is pretty difficult but, I am learning...

Among us, team managers, I maybe the only one without a car- does it bother me? No! I have other plans...

While at times, it is tempting to pretend to be someone else, live a life like a true bachelor, at the end of the day, I have dreams to fulfill since I was a kid- a simple and happy life, own house, and own room.

I think, at my age, I know exactly where I am going, or at least, what I want to do with my life - independence. Whatever comes, I will take it.

Some people have worked hard from day one, and I admire them, and inspired by them. Some people  use their looks to earn money, and I envy them, ha ha! Some people are rich, I wish I was one as well. 

But all this are achievable... You won't get everything in life of course. I think, I am thankful for what I have, for what I can do with what I have. 

I maybe have a strange family, but they are my family.

I have friends from different groups, and the network is continuously expanding.

I have a flourishing career too.

I have no love life? Lol... But my heart feels it from time to time, but when I feel it, I tend to lose control of my sanity, and I am afraid of my own emotions. Ooops!

At my age now, I am curious of what future can bring me. I have matured, sensibly, I hope. 

Still, I will always be a kid, mentally and physically. Innocent and pure?
