Monday, May 13, 2013

True Value

Rught now, I am gaping at people coming in and out of stores wondering how much they could spend in a day. Surely, they have the means to purchase a lot and it makes me think, have they been rich since? Or do they earn so much in a month? 

Life for me has gone a long way. One proof is where I am sitting at the moment, I am just not elsewhere but Shangri La- may not be as classy as Rockwell or some other high end malls but certainly one fine place to be in, less crowdy and better ambience. Further, I am writing this down over my iPad Mini- imagine that? Giggling...

What is a true value? I remember chatting with a college classmate. I asked him where is our classmate who is a top student in the university and was told that she is holding a high position in Ayala. Then, my classmate told me, unlike him who is just a team manager because he was some sort, lazy and irresponsible. The words strucked me, why was he thinking that his position or title is something to be ashamed of? For one, it is a lead position and second, people are after that post.

We are both team managers, unlike him , I am no certified accountant yet. Wherever I am now, I am grateful, and I mean it. It took me years to get to this stage in my career. Back from my humble beginnings after graduation, I was like an all around office worker, accounting assistant, seasonal auditor, daily office clerk depositing money in the bank or posting courier for the cheques to different branches.

Now, I am a full pledged team manager handling 8 people under my watch. I am still adjusting, convincing myself to move from an individual contributor to people developer - and it is pretty difficult but, I am learning...

Among us, team managers, I maybe the only one without a car- does it bother me? No! I have other plans...

While at times, it is tempting to pretend to be someone else, live a life like a true bachelor, at the end of the day, I have dreams to fulfill since I was a kid- a simple and happy life, own house, and own room.

I think, at my age, I know exactly where I am going, or at least, what I want to do with my life - independence. Whatever comes, I will take it.

Some people have worked hard from day one, and I admire them, and inspired by them. Some people  use their looks to earn money, and I envy them, ha ha! Some people are rich, I wish I was one as well. 

But all this are achievable... You won't get everything in life of course. I think, I am thankful for what I have, for what I can do with what I have. 

I maybe have a strange family, but they are my family.

I have friends from different groups, and the network is continuously expanding.

I have a flourishing career too.

I have no love life? Lol... But my heart feels it from time to time, but when I feel it, I tend to lose control of my sanity, and I am afraid of my own emotions. Ooops!

At my age now, I am curious of what future can bring me. I have matured, sensibly, I hope. 

Still, I will always be a kid, mentally and physically. Innocent and pure?

Sunday, April 28, 2013

30 Going 13

It's not everyday that a man turns 30, is it?

In about 1 hour and 2 minutes, I will officially become 30 years old. Question now, do I look physically 30?

Whatever the answer is, I will be one and there is no denial to it anyway.

What happened on the last 29 years or at least back from being a 13 years old which matters more. I was thirteen when I entered secondary grade, the top pilot section. I was so little that people keep picking on me. Back then, I always had been reserved, quiet, and studious.

Fast forwarding 17 years later, I remain to exhibit those traits. I think I will always be that man who prefers to be behind the curtains.

People of my age are either been married and raising a family or off abroad with their flourishing careers. As for me, I am at the peak of my career as well, very much single and will continue to be, maybe. There is some pressure? Yes, definitely. When I was asked the other what are my plans, I wasn't able to answer but in my mind, do I need to answer that? Or I am only afraid of my own answers?

But then again, I am an independent man, free actually. I would like to just enjoy myself with family and friends and let fate takes its course. We all have our own directions to take, and for that, to each is his own journey.

I'm grateful for new found friends and colleagues, and that is one reason to be happy.

Personally, I still have my unaccomplished mission, and that I need to realize, not for any other persons but for myself.

For the next and many years to come, thank you and to God be the Glory!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

My Brother's Journey

The tragedy trapped our family yet into another difficult situation. It happened in the morning of January 28 while most of the family members were deeply asleep, my second to the youngest sibling, Joe- my brother's name, met a motor accident in Taytay, Rizal. It left him his left leg severely damaged and broken, a pain my mom was yet to uncovered.

As early as 7am, I was already at the office preparing for the scheduled planning session with my new cluster when I received a text message informing me of my brother's accident. It was a shocking news, I felt so cold, and again recalled the accident that took my oldest brother's life about six years ago, in the same fate- motor accident. I called up the number right away, asked the more important questions on how badly my brother was affected, and the more answers I get, the scarier it sounds to me, and my brain is trying to oppose the hard truth. I skipped the scheduled planning and decided to go back home, telling my mum would be the harder part. How will she take it this time? How can a mother go through the same dark episode of seeing her son suffering? But there was no other way but to go straight to the point, I told my mum we needed to go to the hospital, and she asked why. I said, Joe had an accident, and I saw the fear in my mum's eyes, and the tears that 's about to flow. Instantly, I fought over my own tears. I busied myself into my gadgets.

Couple of hours later, we reached Manila East Medical Center, and the scene was heart braking, my brother was was in so much pain, and my eyes are redder than normal. I was praying, so was the rest of the family. "Please save his leg, please..."

We all agreed to bring him to Philippine Orthopedic, to increase the chance of his recovery. We fear that keeping him in that hospital would totally cost his left leg, all the hospital did was to increase the billing rate by the hour.

At Philippine Orthopedic, we were told that the situation was really bad, and critical. The doctor did not promise any false hope, it was straight forward but easier to accept rather than believe into some falsified truth just to keep us away from hurting. What to do? Definitely we cannot give up!

And so we gambled in that tiny ray of light, of hope. We bought the first huge spend, the steel that amounted to 25,000 pesos followed by medicines of almost 5000 and another steel worth 3000 and so the list...

The first operation on monday night brought him into a more comfortable state, something we could all be thankful for. He can sleep peacefully through the night without experience an agonizing pain.

The first night at the emergency ward was followed by second, third, and fourth with the similar routines of buying medicines, getting blood donors, etc. This of course is the usual life at the hospital.

Orthopedic is a very old national hospital. The buildings and the facilites are outdated. The only thing that keeps it running are the doctors known for their specialisations, expertise.

During the one night that I stayed beside my brother, I observed and realised so many things.

Living a life is costly in all aspects, and will be more expensive when confronted by emergency situations like accidents,sickness, or worse- death.

I wanted to cry but I can't. I have to be strong all throughout this phase.

However difficult the situation is, we have to keep going. I know that while my brother seldom speaks, deep inside, he is crying, he might be asking why it happened, or repenting for his youthful stubborness.

And in this odd and unfortunate times, you can verify the real friends and family that you have.

My brother is yet to embark on a long journey of hospitalization, of operations. For the next few months, the hospital will be his home, and we will be his primary home.

Just now, I made a pact, I will support him in this life long journey....

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Mobile and Me

How do we remember the past?

Photos, places and people are among the top picks that certainly attract memories in an instant. However, this article would be about phones, partnering me on my my own milestones. 

When phones started booming into the market, it was like a special entry pass into the society. Phones were only for a selected few then, expensive yet very basic- solely created for communicating only. Funny that more than a decade ago, texts are so costly, prepaid card are denominated in Php500 or 300 perhaps and since SMS wasn't a common medium, calls were widely accepted instead. 

Fast forwarding to ten years after, the game has changed. Phone nowadays are as staple as the need for existence. It serves more than the hunger to connect but to explore on a grander scale. Apart from the now coined GSM functions of call 'n text, mobile phone companies ensure that it meet the needs of every end consumer: multimedia, socializing, business, etc. Clearly, it now became a status symbol, the kind of phone that you have tells a lot about its owner. 

and I think I have a good insight, though personally, on the evolution of phones. Here are the units I had had for the past 10 years:

Year 2003:

SENDO P200 - my very first and I was already on my fourth year in college. While everyone wanted the then famous NOKIA, I opted for the uniqueness and stylish form of Sendo. However, it was only short lived as I had to sell it after few months.

Year 2004:

Sony Ericsson T68 - late 2004 when I was able to acquire it, second hand from Greenhills. Phone was sexy and light, and colored! I first saw this as the phone of my trainer on my very first job too, it was way so expensive that I waited months before I managed to buy then gave it to my youngerst brother until it got stolen, too bad.

Nokia 6800 - from the looks alone, this is already expensive but no, I didn't buy it brand new, I got it from one of the managers in the head office, this was sold to me at Php10,000 if I recall it right. Then my younger brother borrowed it from me and brought it to his work and lost! Oh no!

Year 2005:

Nokia 1100 - I was assigned in Pampanga, a province 2-3 hours away from Manila and 6 hours away from my hometown in Angono, Rizal. Actually, I didn't had a phone, I was only borrowing the company phone, and this was the phone, Nokia 1100.

After few months, I bought on installment basis my own phone.I couldn't believe it was worth Php8,000!

My most expensive phone that time - the Sony Ericsson K300. I was earning only less than Php6,000 so for this price, I need to pay it in 6 months time. Eventually, I gave this phone to my brother when he left for Dubai and I was back to nothing, hahaha.

Year 2006:

The Nokia 3530 - this was my smuggled phone, oops! Yes, I was transferred from Pampanga to Calapan Oriental Mindoro when this was sold to me for Php1,500. Obviously a hand me down phone but good enough for me to keep in touch with my family, separated no longer just by land but by sea. 

The Samsung D500 - professionally elegant! I never had the chance to know how much the brand new of this phone was but I first encountered this phone also in Calapan and my heart beat faster than ever on first sight. I got obsessed with it so on 2nd half of Year 2006, when I returned to Manila (after resigning from my company for almost 2 years), I bought this phone in Greenhills for Php7,000 with a trade-in. Finally! What happened to it? Hmmm, I think my sister asked it from me and brought it to Kuwait.

Year 2007:

My obsession on phones did not stop from D500, I wanted more than that, more updated. So I aimed for D900, way thinner than D500, and still in love with slide - up phones. It cost me Php17,000 but of course on installment. This was my phone when I had my first job in Makati - in advertising company. Unfortunately, something terrible happened in the office that I sold this phone for half its price after only 3 months, desperately in need for money, ah?

Year 2008:

Nokia 1208 - not entirely sure if this was my phone on my transitory period, that started my life on a BPO company. I think I bought the same phones for my brothers too.

Samsung E590 - small and solid looking! This was my phone in the middle of Year 2008, the time when I appreciate small things but expensive looking. From this phone, I was able to capture photos and videos of my team's Halloween theme design.

Year 2009: 

When I transferred to a new account in the beginning of 2009, I also changed phone to a locally made one, and the edge - the phone is with TV!!! Yes, this became handy when I wanted to watch drama series in the office. This phone also became the witness when I jumped to my next big company in Makati where I am still at the moment.

Year 2010: 

QWERTY phones were becoming a thing of fashion and so I joined the bandwagon with a small phone but this got defective later on due to battery issue.

When I finally gave up my faith to local phones, I went back to highly trusted brands, global players and so, I had my Samsung Wave on August 2010, purchased at an astonishing price of Php19,900 - again, installment. Before I bought this, I did a lot of research and this won over the other options. Wave is carrying a Bada Platform, new entry in the market when Android is ruling the game next to RIM and iOS.

Year 2011

Whoever said I will stop at Wave was dead wrong because as early as December 2010, I was already coming back and forth to Samsung store playing with this beast, a tablet! The very first tablet from Samsung. This was also a counter-attack to Apple's IPAD, an alternative to those who wants portability. 3 months after, I finally had this beautiful beast in my hands, a feeling I can never forget. This was the most expensive gadget ever - price of Php29,900! Sadly, a week after I bought this, price dropped by 8,000, the hell! Co-incidentally, this was my gadget for the longest time ever, haha... I brought this phone to most of my escapades domestically and even bringing this to India - a quiet witness and partner to me for Year 2011 until the 12th month came.

All along, I was anti Apple products because it is always expensive and limited in features! BUT what made me attracted to Iphone 4s remains a mystery. December of 2011 when I keep controlling my desire to get this but Apple won over me. So many failed attempts applying for a plan to get this for free until my 3rd try in SM Makati, on December 21, I finally had it! It was the same feeling when I got my Galaxy Tab, it was surreal! The return? I wasn't able to catch up to our team's christmas dinner party - shame on me!

Year 2012:

Sadly, the magic potion of Iphone 4s started wearing off as early as February the following year. Yes, I was getting bored, bored and bored. I could not watch videos online opposite to what I always do with my Galaxy Tab which I sold to a dear friend for part cash and ipod 2nd gen. And so, a new light shone on me with the entry of SONY's flagship phone - Xperia S. Bolder and Classy, I sold 4s to another friend for the same price I needed to be able to buy Xperia S. And I think, I made the right choice. It keeps getting lovelier and attractive day after day. As to Apple, I don't know, maybe, I might check on Iphone 5 late this year and see where my fate brings me.


From a college freshman years ago, borrowing from a classmate his Nokia 3210 and playing snakes, and years after, I can now get the phones I want. Perhaps, it was instilled in my mind to work harder and harder to live the life I was deprived of. Unconsciously, I believe that I am just starting to live the life I have long dreamed... I am still far away from the top but I am getting there, slowly but surely.

Friday, March 2, 2012


Every journey has its phases.

Every success has its failures.

Every end has its beginnings.

I believe that the simplest yet the best way to appreciate life is to understand it, live it, and look back.

While we whine a lot, gossip about others lives', though natural to man, we should always stop once in a while and look within ourselves.

In my case, I usually do when I am on the point of jumping to the edge and feeling like surrendering is just the solution but I think I am a born fighter. There always is a remembrall at the back of my head not to give up.

Whenever I am all pissed off dealing with Indian people, I always recall the difficult stages of my work, of my previous employer...

At the end of the day, who will not appreciate working for a very big company when in fact I am most trusted by my senior manager? I have to live with my current account because it is the same account that helped me develop to become my best. As the cliche goes, be grateful for the difficult circumstances because it is with these times that we grow and evolve.

Smile. Relax. Be Happy.

For Harry Potter to conjure a Patronus Charm, he has to think of his happiest moment - so everyone should be the same.

When we are on our lowest point in life, remember that once we had our happiest moment as well because life is a cycle of ups and downs, of failures and victories, of enemies and frienships, of sadness and happiness.

As one chapter closes, one new chapter opens.

Every new day is a blessing.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Blessings and Blessings

Today is the eve for Christmas but my blog is about ending the year appreciating Year 2011 which is by far the most successful-both in career and personal.

I can only be grateful how much I was blessed, among the milestones are as follows:

Travel and Vacation- got the opportunity to experience camping and reaching the summit of Mount Pulag last February. The exhaustion is basically from the heavy baggage and not because of the height. What was even more remembering is the cold temperature at night,it is freezing!

Afterwards, I enjoyed more places in the Philippines. Had a 2nd chance visiting Ilocos with Tuesday and friends hosted by my dear friend Marie Rose.

Then by summer,we went to Caramoan Islands in Bicol which is the most time consuming ever,too many land travel and boat rides! It was beautiful anyway! 

Before Caramoan, we had a nice bonding at Puerto Galera with April,Ghen,Monmon and AC. After several travels,you can compare places now.

Around August, I was invited to Tuesday to Bacolod to attend the wedding of her brother which by the way I filed as sick leave-bad of me!

Then on November, Brigitte came over where we went to Puerto Princesa and Coron- my all time favorite!

Did I miss any local travels? Hope not...

And among the biggest milestones- travelling to India! It wss never my dream to go to India but abroad is abroad and to be alone in a strange land with strange people is already an experience! India is full of historical buildings and figures. Never I imagined I will be able to visit the Taj Mahal-it was simply majestic!!!

In terms of career, I can say I did progress fast- I was promoted to JG6, a supervisory position! The setback is, I don't get paid for my overtime but on the positive side- I am almost near to becoming a team manager.

Further, because of my good performance in Inda, I was rewarded a bonus-half my salary-thanks Malcolm!

And again,my IPF was 1.2- Yahoo! Hope to get even higher this January 2012!

And what is 2011 without the gadgets?

Funny and how so ironic! I can certainly aspire and get the gadget that I want.

When I was just starting 7 years back, all I can do is to text using my officemate's mobile! Fast forward to present, I can now enjoy these things,still with difficulty on the money aspect but at least,it is much easier now to get one.

Galaxy Tab, SLR and now Iphone 4s are the most expensive items I bought for myself and each of these commemorate a wonderful event in my life.

The tab is the token of my fruitful 2010 performance which I bought last March. I can still feel how excited I was to get it... Unfortunately, the tab's price went down after just a week and it made me feel so sorry and stupid,luckily,I learned to accept the fact.

The SONY SLR is the by product of my India travel. I didn't had an allowance for this travel so I violated the company's rule on use of GCC. When I was in Singapore, I was convinced to buy the SLR which I strongly contested and against for quite a time. The effect of buying this? I was paid nothing ob my October pay-out and still has to deposit money back to the company. Now, I am free of debt for SLR.

Lastly, my Iphone 4s. Is this my Christmas gift to myself? Perhaps!

For a long time, I never was an Apple fan because their products are so expensive and limited in terms of features! But what made me change my mind and embrace Apple?

The only answer is- Apple is Apple with great customer support and trendy products.

Yes,Apple could not be the best manufacturer in the market but they make difference! Their products are simple but lovable...and I love Iphone 4s for that fact!

Further, the customer support is outstanding- they continue to upgrade older mobile phones unlike android phones which only gives the buyer an option to buy a newer model... however, I still love Android and Samsung so for tablets I go for Samsung and for Phone- I go for Iphone.

So for me,2011 is all about savings and spending!

Looking forward for an even better 2012, not just for me but for everyone!

God bless all of us

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

From a traveller's point of view

Learning happens to be the by-product of travel,unknowingly.

For a traveller,the primary goal is to see the place of interest and witness its diversity first hand. However,with travel comes the process of gathering knowledge and information about the people,the place and the travel itself.

I may not be a well-off traveller going to other countries but as an individual who has a passion for nature exploration, I am already blessed to get these chances so far.

Roxas,Cebu,Bohol,Puerto Galera,Tagaytay,Boracay,Coron and now-Puerto Princesa.

Having been to these wonders helped me appreciate more our nature,true enough,there can be nothing better than what nature can offer. Its beautiful and majestic. While manmade structures can please our eyes,the many paradise onEarth can amaze us in thousand of ways!

In every travel,meeting people is another opportunity. You get to understand different characters, lifestyles,backgrounds and purposes. There is a moment to always compare your status with them,not in the sense of jealousy like they can travel more and pay a lot but in knowing that you,yourself,is always ahead of the few.

One common example is for the drivers and tourist guides. Ask them questions and let them talk then you learn so much from them. They don't earn much but their simple living and humble attitudes can inspire a traveller like myself to thank every blessing I am receiving. Yes, financial problem co-exists with our lives because it is a partner to keep us on our line of sight,to have faith in Him.

I am blogging this because I could not believe I can even travel in the first place. I've come so far,to be honest,in terms of reaping the fruits of hardwork. For all this years, my subconscious mind must have triggered to where I am at the moment. The scarcity in my life helped me aim for a lot of things,for purpose...

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