Saturday, February 2, 2013

My Brother's Journey

The tragedy trapped our family yet into another difficult situation. It happened in the morning of January 28 while most of the family members were deeply asleep, my second to the youngest sibling, Joe- my brother's name, met a motor accident in Taytay, Rizal. It left him his left leg severely damaged and broken, a pain my mom was yet to uncovered.

As early as 7am, I was already at the office preparing for the scheduled planning session with my new cluster when I received a text message informing me of my brother's accident. It was a shocking news, I felt so cold, and again recalled the accident that took my oldest brother's life about six years ago, in the same fate- motor accident. I called up the number right away, asked the more important questions on how badly my brother was affected, and the more answers I get, the scarier it sounds to me, and my brain is trying to oppose the hard truth. I skipped the scheduled planning and decided to go back home, telling my mum would be the harder part. How will she take it this time? How can a mother go through the same dark episode of seeing her son suffering? But there was no other way but to go straight to the point, I told my mum we needed to go to the hospital, and she asked why. I said, Joe had an accident, and I saw the fear in my mum's eyes, and the tears that 's about to flow. Instantly, I fought over my own tears. I busied myself into my gadgets.

Couple of hours later, we reached Manila East Medical Center, and the scene was heart braking, my brother was was in so much pain, and my eyes are redder than normal. I was praying, so was the rest of the family. "Please save his leg, please..."

We all agreed to bring him to Philippine Orthopedic, to increase the chance of his recovery. We fear that keeping him in that hospital would totally cost his left leg, all the hospital did was to increase the billing rate by the hour.

At Philippine Orthopedic, we were told that the situation was really bad, and critical. The doctor did not promise any false hope, it was straight forward but easier to accept rather than believe into some falsified truth just to keep us away from hurting. What to do? Definitely we cannot give up!

And so we gambled in that tiny ray of light, of hope. We bought the first huge spend, the steel that amounted to 25,000 pesos followed by medicines of almost 5000 and another steel worth 3000 and so the list...

The first operation on monday night brought him into a more comfortable state, something we could all be thankful for. He can sleep peacefully through the night without experience an agonizing pain.

The first night at the emergency ward was followed by second, third, and fourth with the similar routines of buying medicines, getting blood donors, etc. This of course is the usual life at the hospital.

Orthopedic is a very old national hospital. The buildings and the facilites are outdated. The only thing that keeps it running are the doctors known for their specialisations, expertise.

During the one night that I stayed beside my brother, I observed and realised so many things.

Living a life is costly in all aspects, and will be more expensive when confronted by emergency situations like accidents,sickness, or worse- death.

I wanted to cry but I can't. I have to be strong all throughout this phase.

However difficult the situation is, we have to keep going. I know that while my brother seldom speaks, deep inside, he is crying, he might be asking why it happened, or repenting for his youthful stubborness.

And in this odd and unfortunate times, you can verify the real friends and family that you have.

My brother is yet to embark on a long journey of hospitalization, of operations. For the next few months, the hospital will be his home, and we will be his primary home.

Just now, I made a pact, I will support him in this life long journey....

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