Monday, March 29, 2010

ALIAS: A Definite Addiction!

"My name is Sydney Bristow. Seven years ago I was recruited by a secret branch of the CIA called SD-6. I was sworn to secrecy, but I couldn't keep it from my fiance. And when the head of SD-6 found out, he had him killed. That's when I found out the truth. SD-6 is not part of the CIA. I was working for the very people I thought I was working against. So I went to the only place that could help me bring them down. Now, I'm a double agent for the CIA, where my handler is a man named Michael Vaughn. Only one other person knows the truth about what I do, another double agent inside SD-6, someone I hardly know - my father."
The opening line given life by Jennifer Garner, the heroine in the popular series ALIAS.
The series first caught my attention back when I was still in college days, the time when it was dubbed in Filipino Language. It definitely hooked me but failed to watch all its episodes.
6 years later, I am again on the same addiction; my aim, to finish the 5 seasons.
Shockingly, I thought I have seen much of Season 1 of Alias but I was dead wrong! I guess I am only aware to 10-15% of the show so I am enjoying a lot watching it unstoppably whenever there's a chance, even finding a chance if there is none.
What makes it different to other series?
Perhaps, in US audience, action-packed series is common to TV producers but to Filipino market, it is pretty much rare.
Alias is a series that empowers women thus the lead is one.
I have seen Prison Break, also an action-packed US series, and yes, superbly executed but Alias is more intelligently crafted; the complexity of the roles, the brilliance of the actors, the breath-taking fight scenes, the shocking twists, the oustanding plot and free entrance to the world of Intel (short cut for Intelligence, referring to CIA).
These being said, Alias is a complete package where action is thickened further by drama and comic. One might even ask, (as I often asked), is that really the life of a spy?
The story centers on infiltrating a group we can consider as terrorist, to disarm and destroy its existence. Missions were placed to counter-act the activities of this group who is in pursuit of the artifact of a believed prophet Milo Rambaldi.
The story got even more exciting on the entrance of Lena Olin who played the role of Laura Bristow/Irina Derevko, mother to Sydney and was a KGB spy who fooled Jack Bristow to steal details about Project Christmas; a project aimed to discover future spies by testing 5 year old children.
Lena Olin's character proved to be the most mysterious, and the best next to Sydney, I must admit. Her ability to charm and manipulate the people around her has successfully made the series a show you can't miss even myself was convinced of her genuine desire to help CIA, and her love for Sydney. Irina Derevko, with the sound of her name, it makes me think right away, is she an enemy of the state or an ally?
Now that I am onto Season 3, I am still hoping that the characters I love will stay to the very end, Will Tippin (Sydney's trusted friend, a journalist who was framed up, twice!); Marcus Dixon and Marshal Flinkman (former SD-6 operatives, both also jumped to CIA upon learning the truth); Michael Vaughn (Sydney's handler from CIA who eventually became her love interest); Arvin Sloane and Sark (the enemies you want to kill slowly); Jack Bristow (Sydney's ever loving father but reserved) and Irina Derevko (Sydney's mother playing on both sides).
Surely, I made the right decision buying the DVD box set of ALIAS!

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