Friday, October 21, 2011

Budoy: All About Pure Love

As a solid follower of various television series, I am again engaged and very well committed to watch every episode of this heart-warming and tear-jerker Gerald Anderson- starrer series named BUDOY.

Budoy is about a mentally challenged boy that thrives to show that life doesn't end despite the problems. For Budoy, keeping positive-to always smile amidst the chaos, is very important.

Watching a series like this makes you appreciate more of the life that you have, it is a social awakening as well. If a challenged individual sees the best of every situation, why can't we as normal people can't do the same?

This series also enlightens the public and the government to take care of the mentally and physically challenged and perhaps, for us to not discriminate them in the society.

Budoy's character also proved that we should love by all our heart, purest in its essence. To learn to forgive and forget and embrace the reality of our daily lives. The story is about acceptance of ourselves which will be the first step towards dreaming for the better and eventually realizing it.

Tonight, I saw the episode in our office's cafeteria, and I couldn't help myself but cry in its many scenes but most especially on the last part when Budoy spoke in front of investors and rich families of his life, his own trials when he was growing up and his love for his own mother whose raising him so hard- that was an absolute heart wrenching moment.

Perhaps, we are all like Budoy, however, unlike him, we are more afraid to speak freely of our minds or show emotions towards other people.

Let us be inspired to do good and make this world a better place, how? by becoming like Budoy, loving so pure and thinking so innocent!

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