Saturday, October 10, 2009

What If and Puzzle

What if...

Oftentimes, people ask themselves the two word question 'what if...'

Once a person asks this, he/she begins to doubt and possibly regret the decisions made in the past which will only complicate the present and confuse the future.

I am telling this in light of the recent happening with my career. I was told a number of times that if I didn't leave and resign from my last company, I could be the one right at this very moment enjoying the flight to United Kingdom for the training. Yes, it flatters me that people and my friends think of me that way but honestly, it is an absurd idea.

It is absurd because it is baseless. Everyone is just assuming. First, when I decided to resign, there was no counter offer even a centavo to make me change my mind. Second, there was not even a possibility that I'd be transferred back to the original team I was assigned to. Lastly, no hint there will be a travel and I will be among the lucky ones.

In any angle I see it, entertaining this thought will only lead me hating my decisions and blaming myself. It is already enough that I am recognized up to now, priceless.

My friends who are travelling right now to the country I love to go to, I am very happy for them.

Life is a mysterious puzzle, each of us carry the piece to form it. One move will change the move of the other. One wrong move will make others choose the incorrect step too but one right move will align everyone...and I do believe that I made the right decision because it pave the way for others to put their pieces right.

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