Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fishballs, squidballs, etc.,

Affordable, delicious, yummy...

Three descriptions that could satisfy my food craving however I am not referring to expensive meals in restaurants but only to street foods---fish ball, kikiam, squid ball, chicken ball!
Whenever there’s a chance, I stop by the street vendor and eat this. Lucky for me, my stomach enjoys street food.

I remember when I was in senior year in high school, I was designated the page editor for our school paper for Livelihood Section on my first try out in writing. I sat in one of the benches in our town’s park. From there, I just drafted a story about Angono’s known products and it’s neighbouring town and the rest is history.

Among the articles I submitted and got published was about street foods (e.g., fish ball, squid ball, kikiam, chicken ball..etc), how profitable this small business is. The article was beautifully written out of a vendor in the town who started with very small capital and no permanent stall but later on grew and take note, with a big stall!

The article was well received by readers but what they never found out that remains a secret of the author to date-the article was just a product of imagination and creative thinking. Haha!
The page won the first prize in school writing for Livelihood stories, thanks to fish ball, kikiam, squidball and chicken ball!

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