Saturday, January 2, 2010

she will always be my mum...

...just the second day of the year and I woke up hearing arguments between my mum and my younger sister. suddenly, it dawned on me the realisation that my mum is more tired than she was before and tears started to flood my cheek.

I was never a good son, yet. I am still failing in terms of supporting mum and my siblings and it pains me to know that, not because I am giving up but because I always wanted seeing them all happy.

I loathed myself now that I sometimes feel wrong about the situation, that I feel I was trapped in a family I don't want to be in anymore. However, this same emotion is what driving me more to love my family especially my mum. She might not be the mum who stayed beside me every night finishing assignments, or being there on school occasions, but she was the one who raised us all, and that is enough for me to be thankful for, to have her as my mum.

I can forget problems into drinking but I never did, drinking for me is enjoying with your colleagues and friends not an escape route for your personal worries.

One thing I could be grateful for, I can function in the office as expected despite these family problems and I will always push myself to excellence in order to be a good provider. Problems stay in the house and in my mind, bringing it to office wouldn't lessen it.

Funny that I took the Accountancy course because right now, our lives all depends on numbers, and it is a cycle of numbers that keep us all breathing.

This Year 2010, I am happy because I am blessed to have some of my real and trusted friends, from old days (high school, college, previous companies) and the new ones too.

I learned my own lessons, not to expect of everyone to act how I want them to be. For that, I won't get disappointed.

As for my mum, I will never stop working hard and appreciating her as it will never be enough to repay her. Four months from now, it will be our birthday, just two days apart from each other, and I hope to give her the best birthday present a son could give to his mother...

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