Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Journey

What a great year to start February than to learn the best news so far, my sister is now a certified nurse! I'm prouder than ever!
I could not paint the happiness that glowed in my sister and mum's faces when they got hold of the site listing the November 2009 board passers.
What further excites me as early as now is the fact that by April or May 2010, my elder brother will graduate college, another addition to our humble family.
Then by March, my brother in Dubai will come home after two years, being away from us. I'm pretty sure he will get a decent and high paying job considering his expertise so goodbye to his employer who lost a gem.
By June, my youngest brother will enroll his last year in PUP too!
2010 is a welcoming year for all of us. The journey of struggles and sacrifices started to prove its worth. We are now reaping the fruits.
Though I could not buy myself Starbucks when my friends do, I focus myself to other and more important things, our future.
I day dream a lot-paying monthly for our own house and lot, having a festive Sunday meal in the mall, doing groceries... These things make me smile.
Never surrender for people and things you believe in.
I never gave up on my family, an unusual tree with one root but three big branches.
I never gave up on my own dreams because I know, I will attain it in His time.
I never gave up on my real friends, I might have removed some but I retained the most important people who shaped my being ever since.
I never gave up... and will never ever give up.

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