Tuesday, October 26, 2010


There is no proper way to start this at all, I am lost for words, and yes, I am distracted. I was supposed to be busy at work, and even though I am finished with my taks, it somehow feels like it is not.
What's happenning to me? --- that's Potter's line on Order of the Phoenix, when Voldemort is getting access to his mind and led Harry to taking the Occlumency lesson with none other than-Professor Snape. Of course, there is no Lord Voldemort on the real world! but the feeling is almost the same, despair and uncertainties...

Writing is becoming my passion recently, nothing professional but self-expression.

I have long planned to do this and glad that finally, I was able to scan one of the best memories of my life, that very day- July 29, 2009.

After a year and 3 months, this very letter still touches myheart the way it originally did when I first had it my hand. I am thankful to have these sweet messages from my friends and no so friends who dedicated their farewell message to me on my last day in Accenture, on my way to Shell.

I missed Accenture for the intelligent and well trained people.

I missed the SMEs, the United Colors of Bennetton, instructors of different nationalities, languages and characters.

I missed Accenture for the open communication and equality

And definitely, I missed Accenture because of my friends, strong circle of friendship bonded by experiences and differences.

But to each is a piece of the puzzle where decisions have to be made and had been determined.

We run in circles, separation is only by distance and not by heart, and where does this article is going, if I might add?

Answer: nothing specific, as I said, my mind is so occupied.

I do hope that my current team here with Shell will have the same journey of friendship and unity as a whole. It is far from realisation but we're slowly getting there.

Now, I am curious how I should put title to this?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Behind the campaign...

I wonder how many have exercised their judicial right to vote. In a very corrupt country like mine, does vote still count?

Vote Wisely, as the campaign goes... Sadly, the electoral process in the Philippines was tarnished long time ago due to prevalent vote buying and un-educated masses when choosing their respective leaders.

Philippines, being a third world country itself was out-performed by neighbouring countries in the Asia Pacific. Years and years of corruption had destroyed the once powerful and humble country of heroes.

On my way to the office, my eyes were feasting to what soon will become additional garbages, colorful fliers and posters of candidates.

I have many times asked myself, why seek for a position in public office knowing the salary is below par? Perhaps, I neet not answer as this will only raise arguments.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Never Say Never?

See I never thought that I could walk through fire.
I never thought that I could take the burn.
I never had the strength to take it higher,
Until I reached the point of no return.

And there's just no turning back,
When your hearts under attack,
Gonna give everything I have, It's my destiny.

I will never say never! (I will fight)
I will fight till forever! (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down,
I will not stay on the ground.
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up up up,
And never say never.

NEVER SAY NEVER, song from blockbuster hit THE KARATE KID that catapulted Jaden Smith into stardom.

NEVER SAY NEVER, can I really say never?

My heart is grounded into pieces, my mind is trapped in abyss.

Now, I am fighting against my own downfall, losing my self control.

I hate this part right here, convincing myself that the people around me cares what is happenning.

I am screaming to the top of my lungs, I am so pissed off.

I am tired, to make them smile and happy when these same people don't even feel the efforts...

I want to run, run, and run...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Journey with Harry Potter

Nine years earlier, I was just like anyone else, an ordinary muggle as Rowling puts it until I watched the first installment of the movie versions that shook my world from then on.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, from its movie alone, brought immediately that something odd about it, in a positive way and as I haven’t read a single page of its books, I had my full confidence on the film only.

The first movie ignited my curiosity that I repeated it thrice when I was still at school, I was 19 years old then but I was like a kid that started to appreciate how nice to be a kid for the first time. When finally I was able to buy my own copy of the book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone at only Ph189.00, I was an immediate certified addict. I fell in love with the book and I used to compare it to the movie and realised there were indeed changes in sequences and script that should have been said by another character but over-all, who cares of the changes, I still enjoy the movie, but would always love the books, its wit and humour!

If Harry Potter’s ticket to wizarding world is his letter from Hogwarts, mine, on the other hand, is the movie which opened my senses to magical world, to the characters I consider I grew up with, ha ha.

From Sorcerer’s Stone to the final book Deathly Hollows, my addiction has never ceased to impress me up to now. After almost a decade, I am as hooked as ever to the books and the movies, and even to the actors who convincingly portrayed the characters into life.

As a book reader, I commend Rowling for her un-challenged intelligence writing the novels loved across all ages. The books have magic on its own, it successfully created a world beyond imagination, a dimension where life is at its fullest, where emotions flips out from the pages to the reader. Sometimes, it even made me curious, the books are for young adults, not children...the book is a timeless classic as early as now.

Recently, I successfully re-read all the books and enjoyed every page of it, no regrets all. I can say, I am more than ready watching the Deathly Hollows on November and I wouldn’t care if I will watch it 7 times?

Now, after 9 years, as I journeyed together with the books' yearly released, Harry Potter had been through a lot of challenges and experiences, and always with his best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. In the same way, I made a fantastic journey too, from university to corporate world. I might not have a foe as wicked as Lord Voldemort but I had had my own shares of bad lucks too but I am glad I have best friends along this journey, from every phase of journey.

The boy who lived’s story has changed people’s lives, mine included. One should remember that even the most adored and loathed characters have transitioned, so as the real actors behind the famous magical names, and so, we shall carry on with our respective lives, bring with us the good lessons of the books to make our lives as perfectly magical as Potter’s, (or choose your own character).

To the boy who lived, long live!

Hear hear!

Friday, October 8, 2010


Open your senses and be amazed of the splending things around...

Have you ever been stopped by unknown reasons in your life? Where you were wanting do something but your mind is completely occupied? If yes, it could be an opportunity to ponder for the time, look around, observe, and appreciate.

When stucked in a slow moving traffic, I keenly observe the driver and passengers. Isn't it surprising that professionals do whine at work though they are most blessed with much cozy workplace while this simple man driving a jeepney eats dust and smells the sun daily? As minutes passed, I am bombarded with so many questions; how much does a driver normally earns in a day? do they own the jeepney? how much can they bring home to their family? how many kids? Turning my gaze from the driver to the passengers, I also press the more intriguing questions; where do they work, what are they in their society, any questions that pop in my mind...

When roaming the mall, and seeing blessed shoppers, I often asked, are they born rich? How big is their house? how much do they earn? and then, on the other end will be the usual window shoppers only, for most often cases, families just loving to be in the mall because it is well air-conditioned. Different reasons for different people.

These are just among the many situations where your curiosity may reach its peak. Should we learn how to observe people, environment, attitudes, places, events, we will come to a point of appreciation that life is majestic, complicated as it is but wonderful.

Right now, I am stucked waiting my outlook to resume working, and I look on my co-shell employees, what do they do in their workstations? are they happy? what keeps them motivated?
