Tuesday, October 26, 2010


There is no proper way to start this at all, I am lost for words, and yes, I am distracted. I was supposed to be busy at work, and even though I am finished with my taks, it somehow feels like it is not.
What's happenning to me? --- that's Potter's line on Order of the Phoenix, when Voldemort is getting access to his mind and led Harry to taking the Occlumency lesson with none other than-Professor Snape. Of course, there is no Lord Voldemort on the real world! but the feeling is almost the same, despair and uncertainties...

Writing is becoming my passion recently, nothing professional but self-expression.

I have long planned to do this and glad that finally, I was able to scan one of the best memories of my life, that very day- July 29, 2009.

After a year and 3 months, this very letter still touches myheart the way it originally did when I first had it my hand. I am thankful to have these sweet messages from my friends and no so friends who dedicated their farewell message to me on my last day in Accenture, on my way to Shell.

I missed Accenture for the intelligent and well trained people.

I missed the SMEs, the United Colors of Bennetton, instructors of different nationalities, languages and characters.

I missed Accenture for the open communication and equality

And definitely, I missed Accenture because of my friends, strong circle of friendship bonded by experiences and differences.

But to each is a piece of the puzzle where decisions have to be made and had been determined.

We run in circles, separation is only by distance and not by heart, and where does this article is going, if I might add?

Answer: nothing specific, as I said, my mind is so occupied.

I do hope that my current team here with Shell will have the same journey of friendship and unity as a whole. It is far from realisation but we're slowly getting there.

Now, I am curious how I should put title to this?

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