Friday, January 21, 2011


The pain of not knowing is killing me every second...

Right now, my ultimate desire is to finally know what my 2010 Grade is... I simply want to end this anticipation and satisfy my longing.

2009 was bad for me, or it was bad to me but 2010 is a 360 degree turn. I can only demand for the best possible rating and I cannot accept anything lower than 1.2

To be honest, it is hard for me to entertain this thought, it is affecting me. I need to have a diversion, unfortunately, I am also pre-occupied of many things and topping that list are my debts.

When can I be able to put a stop on it? If I can only own my salary for at least 3 full months, I can move on debt-free for sure. However, I could not get the support that I need...

Patience is a virtue, and big surprises await those who wait--- this was my STM's message to me...

I wish to be guided,

I pray for divine providence...

My future is dependent on this first full year result...

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