Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Job

While waiting to be attended to at a pharmacy, and losing patience, my attention was diverted, luckily, to the personnel, not entirely aware how they are called (pharmacist maybe?)...
I instead ended up observing their manner, how they deal with different customers, and its pressure. All throughout their shift, they just stand and walk, take the prescriptions and tries to calm down the demanding consumers.
For once, I realized that every man is fit for a job, his character is like molded to perform a specific task. I admire them honestly...
Outside the store, there are more people handling the challenges of their respective jobs: security guards, tricycle and jeepney drivers, cigarette and candies seller, etc.
These people, they make up the basic community.
I remember one day while inside the jeep, the driver was exchanging signs or laughs with the driver opposite the road. They smile and they curse a lot more, but that makes their day more enjoyable.
Whatever the job is, it has to be enjoyed because not everyone can get a job.

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