Saturday, December 24, 2011

Blessings and Blessings

Today is the eve for Christmas but my blog is about ending the year appreciating Year 2011 which is by far the most successful-both in career and personal.

I can only be grateful how much I was blessed, among the milestones are as follows:

Travel and Vacation- got the opportunity to experience camping and reaching the summit of Mount Pulag last February. The exhaustion is basically from the heavy baggage and not because of the height. What was even more remembering is the cold temperature at night,it is freezing!

Afterwards, I enjoyed more places in the Philippines. Had a 2nd chance visiting Ilocos with Tuesday and friends hosted by my dear friend Marie Rose.

Then by summer,we went to Caramoan Islands in Bicol which is the most time consuming ever,too many land travel and boat rides! It was beautiful anyway! 

Before Caramoan, we had a nice bonding at Puerto Galera with April,Ghen,Monmon and AC. After several travels,you can compare places now.

Around August, I was invited to Tuesday to Bacolod to attend the wedding of her brother which by the way I filed as sick leave-bad of me!

Then on November, Brigitte came over where we went to Puerto Princesa and Coron- my all time favorite!

Did I miss any local travels? Hope not...

And among the biggest milestones- travelling to India! It wss never my dream to go to India but abroad is abroad and to be alone in a strange land with strange people is already an experience! India is full of historical buildings and figures. Never I imagined I will be able to visit the Taj Mahal-it was simply majestic!!!

In terms of career, I can say I did progress fast- I was promoted to JG6, a supervisory position! The setback is, I don't get paid for my overtime but on the positive side- I am almost near to becoming a team manager.

Further, because of my good performance in Inda, I was rewarded a bonus-half my salary-thanks Malcolm!

And again,my IPF was 1.2- Yahoo! Hope to get even higher this January 2012!

And what is 2011 without the gadgets?

Funny and how so ironic! I can certainly aspire and get the gadget that I want.

When I was just starting 7 years back, all I can do is to text using my officemate's mobile! Fast forward to present, I can now enjoy these things,still with difficulty on the money aspect but at least,it is much easier now to get one.

Galaxy Tab, SLR and now Iphone 4s are the most expensive items I bought for myself and each of these commemorate a wonderful event in my life.

The tab is the token of my fruitful 2010 performance which I bought last March. I can still feel how excited I was to get it... Unfortunately, the tab's price went down after just a week and it made me feel so sorry and stupid,luckily,I learned to accept the fact.

The SONY SLR is the by product of my India travel. I didn't had an allowance for this travel so I violated the company's rule on use of GCC. When I was in Singapore, I was convinced to buy the SLR which I strongly contested and against for quite a time. The effect of buying this? I was paid nothing ob my October pay-out and still has to deposit money back to the company. Now, I am free of debt for SLR.

Lastly, my Iphone 4s. Is this my Christmas gift to myself? Perhaps!

For a long time, I never was an Apple fan because their products are so expensive and limited in terms of features! But what made me change my mind and embrace Apple?

The only answer is- Apple is Apple with great customer support and trendy products.

Yes,Apple could not be the best manufacturer in the market but they make difference! Their products are simple but lovable...and I love Iphone 4s for that fact!

Further, the customer support is outstanding- they continue to upgrade older mobile phones unlike android phones which only gives the buyer an option to buy a newer model... however, I still love Android and Samsung so for tablets I go for Samsung and for Phone- I go for Iphone.

So for me,2011 is all about savings and spending!

Looking forward for an even better 2012, not just for me but for everyone!

God bless all of us

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

From a traveller's point of view

Learning happens to be the by-product of travel,unknowingly.

For a traveller,the primary goal is to see the place of interest and witness its diversity first hand. However,with travel comes the process of gathering knowledge and information about the people,the place and the travel itself.

I may not be a well-off traveller going to other countries but as an individual who has a passion for nature exploration, I am already blessed to get these chances so far.

Roxas,Cebu,Bohol,Puerto Galera,Tagaytay,Boracay,Coron and now-Puerto Princesa.

Having been to these wonders helped me appreciate more our nature,true enough,there can be nothing better than what nature can offer. Its beautiful and majestic. While manmade structures can please our eyes,the many paradise onEarth can amaze us in thousand of ways!

In every travel,meeting people is another opportunity. You get to understand different characters, lifestyles,backgrounds and purposes. There is a moment to always compare your status with them,not in the sense of jealousy like they can travel more and pay a lot but in knowing that you,yourself,is always ahead of the few.

One common example is for the drivers and tourist guides. Ask them questions and let them talk then you learn so much from them. They don't earn much but their simple living and humble attitudes can inspire a traveller like myself to thank every blessing I am receiving. Yes, financial problem co-exists with our lives because it is a partner to keep us on our line of sight,to have faith in Him.

I am blogging this because I could not believe I can even travel in the first place. I've come so far,to be honest,in terms of reaping the fruits of hardwork. For all this years, my subconscious mind must have triggered to where I am at the moment. The scarcity in my life helped me aim for a lot of things,for purpose...

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

What Query Has Become

About 3 years ago, a team was formed by a group of unlikely individuals- a variety in terms of characters, ideals and attitudes. This team later on became the more infamous by the name of Query. 3 Years after, each member has taken his/her own path- from nobody to somebody,and from somebody to everybody's respect. Indeed, after tonight's reunion,it feels like we were back on the same comfortable ground- chatting,laughing and endless teasing! Our separation from the team didn't break the bond of friendship that we had formed strongly, as a matter of fact,it help us grow to be at our best. Until our next reunion!
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Friday, October 21, 2011

Budoy: All About Pure Love

As a solid follower of various television series, I am again engaged and very well committed to watch every episode of this heart-warming and tear-jerker Gerald Anderson- starrer series named BUDOY.

Budoy is about a mentally challenged boy that thrives to show that life doesn't end despite the problems. For Budoy, keeping positive-to always smile amidst the chaos, is very important.

Watching a series like this makes you appreciate more of the life that you have, it is a social awakening as well. If a challenged individual sees the best of every situation, why can't we as normal people can't do the same?

This series also enlightens the public and the government to take care of the mentally and physically challenged and perhaps, for us to not discriminate them in the society.

Budoy's character also proved that we should love by all our heart, purest in its essence. To learn to forgive and forget and embrace the reality of our daily lives. The story is about acceptance of ourselves which will be the first step towards dreaming for the better and eventually realizing it.

Tonight, I saw the episode in our office's cafeteria, and I couldn't help myself but cry in its many scenes but most especially on the last part when Budoy spoke in front of investors and rich families of his life, his own trials when he was growing up and his love for his own mother whose raising him so hard- that was an absolute heart wrenching moment.

Perhaps, we are all like Budoy, however, unlike him, we are more afraid to speak freely of our minds or show emotions towards other people.

Let us be inspired to do good and make this world a better place, how? by becoming like Budoy, loving so pure and thinking so innocent!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Light and Shadow

In the midst of nowhere lies the point of uncertainty.

Perhaps, after a while of silence, no pen and letters, the author is fearing the unknown.

This is temporal at the moment but hope to surpass it.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Magnitude of Destruction

March 11, 2011... The whole world was shocked by the force that hit Japan! - 8.9 Magnitude earthquake followed by 30-feet Tsunami waves that destroyed properties and killed many lives.

Watching the news footages brought goosebumps to me. My eyes can hardly believe it like it was filmed or a movie filled with special effects. Sadly, it was real.

Not going into the details of the disaster, what does it tell us? That the prediction for 2012 is real? Nope, it is bigger than that.

The tragedy is an awakening for all. However advance our modern technology is, human race is nobody to the law and force of nature, that there is one above that prevails over us.

Time has come to unite, make peace.

Unfortunately, this is far from reality, with what is currently happening in middle east countries recently and the endless count of terrorisms, how can one hope of a better tomorrow...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Boulder,the Blackberry, the Diamond and the IPF

"At this very moment, what could possibly be happening at the other side of the world? To other people?"

This was my shout out yesterday at Facebook, ,my train of thoughts after watching 127 Hours last friday night at Glorietta 4, in between my regular shift and overtime.

127 Hours, Between a Rock and a Hard Place, centers on the real life story of Aron Ralston who tragically got his arm trapped under a boulder in the Blue John Canyon, Utah. With nobody knowing where Aron has gone to, he is left but to himself, his arm pinned to the canyon wall. The struggle lasted for five days, dehydrated and delirious, he was forced to amputate his right arm with a cheap knife that cuts no deeper than his skin...

The movie was so involving especially to me who recently became a mountain-climber but more to that, Aron's inspirational survival story led me to many questions.

Right now, I am blogging my thoughts, seated comfortably inside our house, but, could there be anyone experiencing the same fate as Aron or even worse? that is not known to his or her family and friends?

I think last month, or couple of months ago, I watched Buried, it starred Ryan Reynolds about a driver who was buried in the dessert, left with nothing but a blackberry phone and a flashlight. This time, his survival was timed only for 90 minutes and he is certainly dead, not by bullets or knife, but by suffocation and being buried inside by sand, no less.

Certainly, this movie is a nightmare for a lot of viewers, to me, is inspiration.

Be it a true story like Aron's or fiction like Buried, which could be based on real terrorist activities, we can only be thankful how safe we are, and how easy our lives are.

It changed me, it really did.

While we rant or whine about the disappointments of our day-to-day jobs, we forget to realize that others are longing to just have a job, some are even desperate. Another movie that is included on my all time favourites is 'Blood Diamond." A story full of dreams and hopes for African people that only wanted no more than peace and happiness. The movie was sensationalized by the conflict diamonds. If you are into precious and expensive diamonds, could you afford to buy a piece that cost a life of an innocent life? If you are a constant asshole in the workplace, will you ever trade that ergonomic chair in exchange for an abusive black people torturing you to find a diamond by all means?

What do these stories tell us? What do they have in common?

All these movies narrates a human life, on varying extents, but shares many lessons, one of which is holding on. For Aron, it is holding on to his life; for Ryan Reynold's character, it is holding on to the possibility of being rescued, holding on to God; for the diamond miners of Africa, it is simply holding on to their dream of a simple life, for the black father is reunion of his family, and sending his son to education, learning English.

A week ago, last 5th of February, by this time, we already settled ourselves at the campsite, the cold breeze freezing our body. Prior to that is a 4 hours walk. My head was feeling pain, or my neck to be exact. I thought my body was surrendering to the high altitudes of Mount Pulag, and my mind was behaving randomly, thinking of dreadful thoughts. However, I decided to hold on to my spirits, what I was feeling was only as of that moment, I was carrying a heavy backpack, I reasoned out. And I was correct, when I unburden my self with the bag, I was relieved of the body ache.

The Climb to Mount Pulag was no feat at all, anybody can do it, as long as the will and determination is there. Your only enemies are your body and mind, if it gives up on you, you can never reach the summit.

During the climb, my mind was preoccupied with my IPF, my grade for Year 2010. It helped me re-gain energy whenever I feel losing it actually. Never in my entire career life that I felt so expectant of my performance rating. Why? Simply because I knew that my Year 2009's IPF was unjustified. It took me a while to absorb a grade of 0.8 and eventually accepted it. I don't say that my outstanding performance on 2010 was to reverse my fate last 2009, no, absolutely not. I performed and outwit myself only, because I know, I am a born competitor, and fortunately, everyone has acknowledged it, even my high superiors.

I got rewarded for an IPF of 1.2, though all of us was expecting 1.3 or higher. Am I justified now? I say yes, 1.2 tells me one thing, I will have to work harder to get 1.3 or 1.4 this year, and I have no reason to slow down.

So, if in the event I started to invite negative thoughts about my work, I will immediately fight it with the success of Aron Ralston, or the movie Blood Diamond.

With God, there is nothing impossible...

Friday, January 21, 2011


The pain of not knowing is killing me every second...

Right now, my ultimate desire is to finally know what my 2010 Grade is... I simply want to end this anticipation and satisfy my longing.

2009 was bad for me, or it was bad to me but 2010 is a 360 degree turn. I can only demand for the best possible rating and I cannot accept anything lower than 1.2

To be honest, it is hard for me to entertain this thought, it is affecting me. I need to have a diversion, unfortunately, I am also pre-occupied of many things and topping that list are my debts.

When can I be able to put a stop on it? If I can only own my salary for at least 3 full months, I can move on debt-free for sure. However, I could not get the support that I need...

Patience is a virtue, and big surprises await those who wait--- this was my STM's message to me...

I wish to be guided,

I pray for divine providence...

My future is dependent on this first full year result...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Job

While waiting to be attended to at a pharmacy, and losing patience, my attention was diverted, luckily, to the personnel, not entirely aware how they are called (pharmacist maybe?)...
I instead ended up observing their manner, how they deal with different customers, and its pressure. All throughout their shift, they just stand and walk, take the prescriptions and tries to calm down the demanding consumers.
For once, I realized that every man is fit for a job, his character is like molded to perform a specific task. I admire them honestly...
Outside the store, there are more people handling the challenges of their respective jobs: security guards, tricycle and jeepney drivers, cigarette and candies seller, etc.
These people, they make up the basic community.
I remember one day while inside the jeep, the driver was exchanging signs or laughs with the driver opposite the road. They smile and they curse a lot more, but that makes their day more enjoyable.
Whatever the job is, it has to be enjoyed because not everyone can get a job.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Things Babies Born in 2011 Will Never Know


Do you think kids born in 2011 will recognize any of the following?

Video tape: Starting this year, the news stories we produce here at Money Talks have all been shot, edited, and distributed to TV stations without ever being on any kind of tape. Not only that, the tape-less broadcast camera we use today offers much higher quality than anything that could have been imagined 10 years ago -- and cost less than the lens on the camera we were using previously.

Travel agents: While not dead today, this profession is one of many that's been decimated by the Internet. When it's time for their honeymoon, will those born in 2011 be able to find one?

The separation of work and home: When you're carrying an email-equipped computer in your pocket, it's not just your friends who can find you -- so can your boss. For kids born this year, the wall between office and home will be blurry indeed.

Books, magazines, and newspapers: Like video tape, words written on dead trees are on their way out. Sure, there may be books -- but for those born today, stores that exist solely to sell them will be as numerous as record stores are now.

Movie rental stores: You actually got in your car and drove someplace just to rent a movie?

Watches: Maybe as quaint jewelry, but the correct time is on your smartphone, which is pretty much always in your hand.
©Will D/flickr

Paper maps: At one time these were available free at every gas station. They're practically obsolete today, and the next generation will probably have to visit a museum to find one.

Wired phones: Why would you pay $35 every month to have a phone that plugs into a wall? For those born today, this will be a silly concept.

Long distance: Thanks to the Internet, the days of paying more to talk to somebody in the next city, state, or even country are limited.

Newspaper classifieds: The days are gone when you have to buy a bunch of newsprint just to see what's for sale.

Dial-up Internet: While not everyone is on broadband, it won't be long before dial-up Internet goes the way of the plug-in phone.

Encyclopedias: Imagine a time when you had to buy expensive books that were outdated before the ink was dry. This will be a nonsense term for babies born today.

Forgotten friends: Remember when an old friend would bring up someone you went to high school with, and you'd say, "Oh yeah, I forgot about them!" The next generation will automatically be in touch with everyone they've ever known even slightly via Facebook.

Forgotten anything else: Kids born this year will never know what it was like to stand in a bar and incessantly argue the unknowable. Today the world's collective knowledge is on the computer in your pocket or purse. And since you have it with you at all times, why bother remembering anything?

The evening news: The news is on 24/7. And if you're not home to watch it, that's OK -- it's on the smartphone in your pocket.

CDs: First records, then 8-track, then cassette, then CDs -- replacing your music collection used to be an expensive pastime. Now it's cheap(er) and as close as the nearest Internet connection.

Film cameras: For the purist, perhaps, but for kids born today, the word "film" will mean nothing. In fact, even digital cameras -- both video and still -- are in danger of extinction as our pocket computers take over that function too.

Yellow and White Pages: Why in the world would you need a 10-pound book just to find someone?

Catalogs: There's no need to send me a book in the mail when I can see everything you have for sale anywhere, anytime. If you want to remind me to look at it, send me an email.

Fax machines: Can you say "scan," ".pdf" and "email?"

One picture to a frame: Such a waste of wall/counter/desk space to have a separate frame around each picture. Eight gigabytes of pictures and/or video in a digital frame encompassing every person you've ever met and everything you've ever done -- now, that's efficient. Especially compared to what we used to do: put our friends and relatives together in a room and force them to watch what we called a "slide show" or "home movies."

Wires: Wires connecting phones to walls? Wires connecting computers, TVs, stereos, and other electronics to each other? Wires connecting computers to the Internet? To kids born in 2011, that will make as much sense as an electric car trailing an extension cord.

Hand-written letters: For that matter, hand-written anything. When was the last time you wrote cursive? In fact, do you even know what the word "cursive" means? Kids born in 2011 won't -- but they'll put you to shame on a tiny keyboard.

Talking to one person at a time: Remember when it was rude to be with one person while talking to another on the phone? Kids born today will just assume that you're supposed to use texting to maintain contact with five or six other people while pretending to pay attention to the person you happen to be physically next to.

Retirement plans: Yes, Johnny, there was a time when all you had to do was work at the same place for 20 years and they'd send you a check every month for as long as you lived. In fact, some companies would even pay your medical bills, too!

Mail: What's left when you take the mail you receive today, then subtract the bills you could be paying online, the checks you could be having direct-deposited, and the junk mail you could be receiving as junk email? Answer: A bloated bureaucracy that loses billions of taxpayer dollars annually.

Commercials on TV: They're terrifically expensive, easily avoided with DVRs, and inefficiently target mass audiences. Unless somebody comes up with a way to force you to watch them -- as with video on the Internet -- who's going to pay for them?

Commercial music radio: Smartphones with music-streaming programs like Pandora are a better solution that doesn't include ads screaming between every song.

Hiding: Not long ago, if you didn't answer your home phone, that was that -- nobody knew if you were alive or dead, much less where you might be. Now your phone is not only in your pocket, it can potentially tell everyone -- including advertisers -- exactly where you are.

5 Great Money Ideas for 2011


1. Cancel those dangerous rewards cards - the cards where you earn points for every dollar that you charge.
On the surface, the points give you free airline miles, cash back, or discounts on catalog merchandise. But why would you think that a bank offers anything truly free? You're paying for your own rewards, with the interest you're charged on the balances that you carry forward every month.

What's more, rewards cards tempt you to charge more than would otherwise be the case. A new study by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago found that people with cash-back cards spend more, and build up more debt, than people with ordinary cards. Their debts grew faster than their spending, suggesting that they reduced their monthly payments. That would have added even more to their interest costs.

Rewards cards make sense only if they charge no annual fee and you pay every monthly bill in full. Only then are your airline miles truly free.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Pace and Phases

What do you live for?

The answer varies of course. Some go for a happy family life, others strive for a successful career, some values friendship and many more.

It is a treat to be updated with your friends and colleagues' lives. You tend to reflect on what is up with you that is worth sharing to the public.

No success happened without failure
No happiness prospered without pain and suffering
No things can materialize without a plan, well laid plan

To each is his own path to take...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Talk

It was a meeting I did not expect to start my first day at work for 2011 but it was a blessing in disguise after all, the feared discussion led to something fruitful, professionally at least.

The talk was in direct opposite against previous encounters. Encounters because our closed door meetings were always a disaster, a loud meeting slashing each other. Now, it was a silent and humble discussion, and enabled a space to hear both sides.

Still, I dream of a workplace like that of House, a US Series of medical drama. Even in their most heated arguments, House, Chase, Cameron and the other black doctor (my bad), they accept harsh words, no hard feelings at all. Perhaps, this could be far from the current state, and definitely will not be a common trait among Filipinos who are sensitive, and always short-tempered.

Luckily, this day was also a Big Brother's day, hahaha, and free!

For now, I am looking forward to a very positive March 2011...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Welcoming 2011 the Kulot way!


10:09PM, exact time as of blogging.

In less than 2 hours, 2010 is about to fold up, and we embrace 2011, the Year of the Rabbit.

People are excited, you can hear all sorts of noise, from firecrackers exploding in a snap to loud music and amazing fireworks display, it only tells how positive everyone is welcoming the change of year as it signifies new beginning, ignites better hope.

And for your blogger Kulot, I envision 2011 as a start of a more challenging journey, career wise to be exact. This marks another chapter where leadership and accountability is expanding. I must say, I will own 2011 positively.

On a personal note, 2011 will be my travel catalogue, I say so because I plan to travel more often even on a solo trip. I realised it is my passion, to explore adventures that I long started with the picturesque beauty of Banaue Rice Terraces, with the charming Cebu-Bohol escapade, with the heavenly paradise of Boracay and recently, the captivating wonders of Coron.

There are so many things to look forward to in 2011, all we need to have is the courage and faith to live each single day momentously.

As I end Year 2010, I am beginning new blogging name: kulotchronicles.

Bida Best in 2011!
