Monday, September 21, 2009

Team Yoo-hoo, the team to beat!

Of the things that I am most grateful for when I joined Credo eight months ago and now that I have separated from the company, I'd say it is the infamous team, Yoo-hoo. Back then, I did not know anyone aside from my BFF. I thought of the lateral transfer as a bad career move but time and experience proved me wrong. I learned more than what I expected, knowledge not only work based but friendship, integrity and determination. As I look back and continue to sail my way farther, I still and will always have the family I highly regards of, my friends, the association we each belong to---Team Yoo-hoo a.k.a. Ilocos!

I first started hanging out with a small group, I was invited by Marky who eventually became my black son, Chellie who later on emerged as Jandi and Gatorade, Honey who transformed to Bea and Clark who continuously remains Super Clark. This is the team who once taught me how to drink buckets of Red Horse Beer! hahahaha...I easily surrender to the power of the horse that kicks, but now, I can safely ride on this smiling horse at ease!

What is Yoo-hoo more famous for? It is their cheesesticks which is Leslie's favourite too! As days and weeks pass, Team Yoo-hoo evolves to a bigger group.

(from left to right-me, marky, leslie, jandi, bea, mark)

True enough, the team gets bigger and bigger as new faces are added in the pictures...

This is one big night as almost the whole of the project came in to relax...(from left to right: PB, Ems, Michelle, JOan, Me, Jai, NiƱo) (from front to back on the right: Lourdes, Ines, Honey, Marky, Jandi, Leslie, team leads...) the peak of Boys over Flowers (the Korean Version of Meteor Garden), the flower four of Credo also stood out consisting of me, Jai, Jake and Belgium Boy. Well, time has changed so fast and it seems, the once infamous F4 will become F3?

Ines and Orsi, enjoying the night, ready for the drinking session too, party lights! (below)

The spirit of Yoo-hoo Team extends to Ilocos as we conquered the North! Courtesy of Marie Rose (plus VR)
Long live to Team Yoo-hoo! People might come and go, but Yoo-hoo lives on!
Chlaus-myself-BFF, the important additions to Yoo-hoo, VIPs
Jun-Leslie-PB-Mann-Honey-Malou-Clark-myself-Chellie-Marky-Jai Yoo-hoo...then and now, family picture!

Whenever I look at these pictures, it draws smile to my face. I never realised that you can get so much out of drinking sessions, that you can build friendships in it as I was never into this before. And I am happy because drinking was never an addiction to us but time of bonding only. I simply can not trade my Yoo-hoo team, we are unique! We can speak against each other and laugh afterwards, we can crack jokes instead of crying over heartaches and office problems. In a way, Yoo-hoo is our haven...I did not have the promotion I asked for but got team Yoo-hoo in return!

And in the next escapades, gimmicks, house warming, sessions, press releases, Yoo-hoo is always on the forefront...

Sunday, September 20, 2009


As expected, this is another addition to quality and blockbuster movies of Star Cinema. The movie touches base on maternal relationship of Shirley (Vilma) to Mark (Luis) and to her other two daughters. The film also succeeded in awakening the Filipino viewers on gay relationships as it featured Mark's love story with Noel (John Lloyd) though this is not the core attraction of the movie as seen in the promotion.

More than the commercial value of the film, the story enlighten moviegoers on how to accept life realities...that everything has a time to move on. In the story, Shirley raised her three children alone after she was abandoned and left by her husband. Throughout her journey which was implied only, though she was responsible, she became an emotion free mother and this caused relationships to grow distant particularly to Mark who now lives in New York. It tells us that raising a family doesn't only mean attending to the needs of the children but being there emotionally.

When Shirley moved in to New York, she was surprised by her son's relationship to Noel. At first, she distances away from Noel but eventually, she witnessed the good heart in Noel and the true love Noel and Mark has for each other. The conflict started when she found out that both men kept the secret of Mark's sickness (cancer) from her...

Judging by how the viewers reacted to every scene in the movie, I can say that the film has triumphed both on its story and its actors. This is not as a heavy family drama as ANAK (my favourite) but it is equally good. I agree that Luis Manzano has shown his acting prowess and deserves being the son of Vilma Santos. As usual, one could not expect anything less from the Star for All Seasons. Vilma was able to internalise the character of Shirley, though this is not Vilma at her best. As for John Lloyd, he really is a brilliant actor. His confrontation scene with Vilma is fantastic! To have an acting scene with Vilma, that already is thrilling but both John Lloyd and Luis passed with flying colors. However, I still feel John Lloyd's character in 'One more chance' as he made me cry on that film than here.

Removing the drama ingredient of this movie, one will surely be amazed on the City of New York and how filipinos basically live there, how they struggle and go on with their daily lives.

Casting wise, I just felt that the addition of too many non-important characters in the movie doesn't help at all, one or two is enough. Also, using the girl (I forgot the name) who is madly in love with Noel, I think it is not humanly right. Why? First, they used someone whose physical is not so fortunate which only cause laughs and insults. Second, it impacts the status of Filipinos abroad less respectful that in order to get the US citizenship, they have to marry someone they don't love (too bad on this case, the example is obviously insulting).

So, the question is, should you pay a hundred and forty for this movie? Of course yes! Watching it on the big screen is still different from the boob tube you have in your homes.

Credits to Roxanne Pablo who shared her views on this film.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

And I Love You So...And I Rate It So!

And I Love You So...this is the most recent movie I’ve just watched when I was in Roxas City, Capiz last weekend (12-13th). A certified movie critique, for the ticket cost of Php55.00, below are my observations on this Derek-Bea-Sam starrer movie.

Lara (Bea Alonzo) and Oliver (Derek Ramsey) are newly-wed couples. They’ve been together since college and as married couple for five months when Oliver died on Lara’s 24th birthday!
The two were perfect for each other with Oliver pampering Lara with all the love the world can ever give. The unexpected death shattered Lara’s beautiful life. Months later, Chris (Sam Milby) leased Lara’s condominium since the latter is already financially distressed....the two started to get closer as day passes by...

The movie in general is not so much disappointing but it is predictable already! It tackles a pretty common scenario of death of a husband or wife then along the way meeting someone new and getting trapped on the feeling of guilt to the former love.

Unfortunately, the movie fails to present the complication I am expecting. In order for the viewers to sympathise with Lara’s character, the story should have evolved deeper. Why? It is because the timeline is too short for Lara to immediately fall in love with Chris. I don’t believe that while your heart is still grieving and hurting for your loss, you will be able to entertain thoughts of a new love considering the time is less than a year. Yes, this is possible but not so soon.

Another weak point in the story is that of Chris. His love at first sight or interest with Lara is nothing exceptional. I might also say it is just puppy love. He too is also recovering from a failed marriage because of adultery and yet, he is already moving like a young athlete targeting the finish line. Comparing how Oliver has loved Lara, Chris is way beyond this perfect love. The question now is, why did Lara fell in love with Chris? Was it because this guy helped him eased her pain? Was it because he can dance and Oliver could not? These are just some of the trivial questions one might ask.

There was one scene where Lara was crying and shouting she hated Oliver so much, hating him because he left her and he is not coming back. I am not sure but could one really say that? Perhaps, a person will hate life or the creator but not the one you love most. Also, this emotional breakdown came out after Chris entered her life. So it is a loop hole!

Of the three characters, I like Oliver’s character most because he was the ideal husband and lover to Lara, perfect as it may seem but he has less weaknesses against the other two.

In terms of acting from the cast, it is still Derek Ramsey who triumphed again followed by Sam Milby and lagging behind is Bea Alonzo. Why Derek? I think he just showed what is expected to be like Oliver. For Sam, he has improved I must say. Although, he still has this raising his voice characterization! Unfortunately for Bea, I found it so uneasy when she plays Lara’s character, she is inconsistent all throughout the movie. Sometimes, she can deliver the lines like a real actress but majority of the scenes, she destroys it. One noticeable scene is between her and Coney Reyes when she was saying sorry, sorry for a lot of things about Oliver dying, about how she wants to feel happy again...I did not feel the sincerity of Lara! Could it be because she said these words in English? It maybe, yes. But, I guess it is how she delivered it. I was not moved! I don’t know if her facial expression is halfway between crying or smiling, which is really distracting...Another example is her scene with Sam Milby at the church. It is so disappointing, again! Just watch it and you can prove that it is so lame!

Over-all, I rate this film as a common movie. This is among those movies that you can afford not to watch, and let it pass. At least I only paid Php55.00!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Holding on...

I just finished making ice bags which we sell for 3 pesos in the neighbourhood.

While everyone might be asleep already, I am still busy pondering on many things. It was a busy day but I enjoyed office even if I was on conference call almost the whole day.

On top of many issues is my monthly budget. I am still struggling on how to adjust, adjust and adjust the finances. Today, at sixteen past one in the morning, is the 15th of the month, it is payday! Everyone is rejoicing, they might be buying things they have desired for the past few days or weeks. Some of my friends have bought SLR camera, new touch screen phones, paid their condo but me, I just bought a water bottle for office use. I was told that I should buy something for myself, a friend told me. I kiddingly answered--I want to buy a house...which is true. Seriously, it striked me hearing this comment. It brought me many questions that I need to handle.

I could not deny that I envy my friends. They own their salary, and somehow I wish I was too...unfortunately, it is not the case. I am just and still human wanting to satisfy my own wants, to buy myself office clothes, perhaps to perm my hair...nothing but simple needs. Yes, I like to get a new phone too but I can dictate my mind not to because it is a sin to prioritise this over my family's needs.

With these issues in mind, I settled for one great truth. I have to accept and be thankful for whatever I have. I did! I am always trying and still winning this attitude!

I have gone so far. I have taken the bold steps that led me to where I am now. In my own way, I have accomplished enough things, enough reasons to celebrate!

I could not forget those days on my fourth year high that I have to work and clean comfort rooms just to add income to our family. The smell and the dirt plays clearly in my head even after almost a decade. When it was raining so hard, I could not even buy myself an umbrella and usually going home all wet. I was tired then..but I persevered.

Couple of years later, I worked in a fast food chain and inspite of the busy college schedule, I worked round the clock and found myself shouting for a rest. Thankfully, I never got sick though I failed in one of my majors but at least, I know why.

Graduation came and everyone enrolled for review. Me? Too busy hunting down jobs in Metro Manila. I got a job offer in Ortigas, however, for practical reasons, I declined it and preferred instead the company based in my hometown. Why? Because I did not need to worry about my daily fare. That was exactly 5 years, 1 month and 5 days ago when I first landed a decent job. I was just earning Php6,000 that time, no overtime pay for 12-hour shift up to saturday. I stayed and earned a good reputation from my colleagues.

From a tax ranging from 500-600 monthly five years ago, who would ever think I'm just throwing away 8 times of it now? It is a lot definitely! Life has changed a lot, for me and my family.

When I reminisce these, I can proudly say, I survived and still surviving!

Yes, I might not be able to buy the material things that I love to have but I know patience will reap its rewards in the future. There is always the right time for the right things...

What keeps me motivated? My family.

What keeps me smiling? My friends.

What keeps me strong? Faith.

At the end of every single day, I can hear R. Kelly singing "I believe I can fly."

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Stand up!-this is what most people say when you fail. For every fall, be brave enough to face it and move forward.
True enough, failure is transitory phase. It is considered the make-or-break point for every individual. Our failure does not necessarily define our future. It helps us create our future instead. It is through mistakes that we learn the best. All that is needed is to have a courageous soul to find the light and a reason to carry on with life.
Until now, I can solidly remember how I cried over a job that I missed. I reached the final interview but did not make it. I got depressed and blamed myself that time. What’s wrong with me was my initial reaction. While my friends already managed to move out, I was there actively searching then my last hope also vanished. Then I opened up to a dear friend, when I heard her words, I realised I shouldn’t be acting that way.
‘If this company did not offer you the job, that means it is not the right opportunity for you...’ These words boosted my morale, my outlook became positive in an instant. Sometimes, a simple advice from a friend or a family can help us take the challenge of failure and move on like a winner.
If other people can see your value, that is good but it is better that we know our self worth. We should arm ourselves not only with knowledge, because everyone can acquire it, but confidence, only few can have it.

Now, I got the opportunity meant for me and working hard to appreciate it more.
Failing to get the job you desire is just an example. In life, in order to survive it, one must have the will to pursue his dream and brave all storms that come his way. The prize is at the end of the tough road...achieving it brings an unexplainable feeling of joy and satisfaction!

LIFE is beautiful, if you know how to value it.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

50 and TROY

Two questions, irrelevant. What will you do if you are caught between two people fighting over a petty change? How willing are you to sacrifice everything that you have to get the love you believe in?

While on the bus on the way home, I witnessed an argument between the lady collector and the passenger. The young man beside me asked for his 50 pesos change but to my surprise, the lady responded in a high pitch voice and immediately accused the passenger that he was just tricking to get more when she saw the man hid the 50-peso bill. I wished to react but what would I say? I did not see what happened so I stayed mum instead. While the exchange of talks continued, I observed both. If to judge the man's physical, well, he is really a not trusthworthy person, perhaps capable of this hoax but it is not proper. In the end, the man was asked to step off the bus. What a shame!

Reality check. On this case, not only the man has lost his face but the lady collector too. Instead of explaining her side in a polite manner, she kept shouting that the passenger is like a criminal. Both of them has no witness to prove their claims so the best way to settle it is for one to give way. If you are the passenger, how could you win when you are the one riding on their bus and every other passenger is just looking at you? If you are the collector, how will you go through this without raising your voice?

Still on the bus with the bumper to bumper movement on the road, I enjoyed the movie they have, TROY of Brad Pitt. As we know, Paris-Orlando Bloom's character, brought in Helen to their city without thinking the aftermath of his actions, to his family and to his country. He was madly in love with this beautiful woman and the story goes on.

Troy is one of my favourite movies and though I have never read the Iliad, or the epic account of Trojan Wars, the movie is one step already to learn it. Removing all the action parts, boiling down to the core of the movie which I believe is for your country, love for your family, love for your chosen partner. I was deeply touched by the brotherly love shown by Alec Bana's Hector role who chose to fight for his brother Paris, unfortunately lost the duel to Achilles (Pitt) and got killed. All throughout the film, it showed us the meaning of sacrifice and love, both always inter-connected.

What is the price of one's love? How far are you willing to go to get the prize?

Monday, September 7, 2009

my precious Crookshanks...

Watching this video makes me smile but more than that I feel guilty. It seems I have not paid attention to my precious Crookshanks' health, she has lost her beautiful fur in particular the tail part. Sigh...Now I have to make up and promise to restore Crooks' beauty by first bringing her to Animal House in Makati Avenue so she can be checked up by a vet and given proper medicines and food.
I just need to allot time and of course, money!
I do hope she will get along finally with her partner Snuffles, they've been together for about 4 months already and still fighting like cats and cats (not dogs, hehehe)...

Sunday, September 6, 2009

another unfortunate death from CSI NY 5

Finally, I finished watching the 25 episodes of CSI New York (Season 5). I thought I won't be able to put back my passion following every episode of this full packed action/intelligent series.
Sadly, another character died and that is Flack's girlfriend-Jessica Angell! I wonder why writers of the CSI franchise keep eliminating valuable characters from the show but I can only guess.
Still, I could not admit that this beautiful Jess died. By the way, the actress who played Jessica looks like Penelope Cruz!
Another big surprise is at the end of Episode 25, while the whole team of Mac Taylor is celebrating Jess' heroism (way of farewell) at a bar, they were all showered with bullets! What a cliff hanger season ender!
On the good side, I just have to wait for season 6 on the 23rd of this month. Not bad!

budget q 2!

If you are an accounting graduate, what is one thing you are basically good at? The answer is---ooops, not just numbers but analysis!

Sigh...I just finished preparing a short term budget plan for the next 6 months! Why bother? It is because I have to, oh no!

The result? It is pretty hard, if to be followed, that means, we have to live by the centavo!!!

At least I know how to deal with it.

Bo Sanchez's wrote in his book SIMPLIFY LIFE topics on budget and irregular account. For budget, you have to live by the budget and for that irregular account is to set aside some money for emergency purposes apart from the fact that you should have a savings account.

I do agree with Bo but looking several times on the budget I prepared, I don't know where else I get funds for savings and this irregular account but I am optimistic this will happen in the near future.

I might not have my own savings account but I am proud I can send my brothers to school, that is my investment!

Bo was indeed right, if we managed to survive the past years with definitely lower paychecks, why can we not cope with the present?


Saturday, September 5, 2009


ano ba iniisip ko? I have almost 50 missed calls from my friends since 12:01 in the morning but I continued ignoring it! Perhaps, I want to think over the past few days, and spend my weekends for myself not that I don't want to see them but I just need a break. I feel so tired, I want to accomplish many things but I am hindered by many factors so it is totally affecting me. 

I hope I can go back to my bubbly self...

Puzzles the silence that steals the night, I am left awake bombarded with many questions...somehow, I am lost as I try to unravel the mysteries life has given me. Why am I here? Am I serving my designated purpose? Confused as I was, I started to look back to get the answers that hopefully will make me whole and complete...
