Wednesday, September 16, 2009

And I Love You So...And I Rate It So!

And I Love You So...this is the most recent movie I’ve just watched when I was in Roxas City, Capiz last weekend (12-13th). A certified movie critique, for the ticket cost of Php55.00, below are my observations on this Derek-Bea-Sam starrer movie.

Lara (Bea Alonzo) and Oliver (Derek Ramsey) are newly-wed couples. They’ve been together since college and as married couple for five months when Oliver died on Lara’s 24th birthday!
The two were perfect for each other with Oliver pampering Lara with all the love the world can ever give. The unexpected death shattered Lara’s beautiful life. Months later, Chris (Sam Milby) leased Lara’s condominium since the latter is already financially distressed....the two started to get closer as day passes by...

The movie in general is not so much disappointing but it is predictable already! It tackles a pretty common scenario of death of a husband or wife then along the way meeting someone new and getting trapped on the feeling of guilt to the former love.

Unfortunately, the movie fails to present the complication I am expecting. In order for the viewers to sympathise with Lara’s character, the story should have evolved deeper. Why? It is because the timeline is too short for Lara to immediately fall in love with Chris. I don’t believe that while your heart is still grieving and hurting for your loss, you will be able to entertain thoughts of a new love considering the time is less than a year. Yes, this is possible but not so soon.

Another weak point in the story is that of Chris. His love at first sight or interest with Lara is nothing exceptional. I might also say it is just puppy love. He too is also recovering from a failed marriage because of adultery and yet, he is already moving like a young athlete targeting the finish line. Comparing how Oliver has loved Lara, Chris is way beyond this perfect love. The question now is, why did Lara fell in love with Chris? Was it because this guy helped him eased her pain? Was it because he can dance and Oliver could not? These are just some of the trivial questions one might ask.

There was one scene where Lara was crying and shouting she hated Oliver so much, hating him because he left her and he is not coming back. I am not sure but could one really say that? Perhaps, a person will hate life or the creator but not the one you love most. Also, this emotional breakdown came out after Chris entered her life. So it is a loop hole!

Of the three characters, I like Oliver’s character most because he was the ideal husband and lover to Lara, perfect as it may seem but he has less weaknesses against the other two.

In terms of acting from the cast, it is still Derek Ramsey who triumphed again followed by Sam Milby and lagging behind is Bea Alonzo. Why Derek? I think he just showed what is expected to be like Oliver. For Sam, he has improved I must say. Although, he still has this raising his voice characterization! Unfortunately for Bea, I found it so uneasy when she plays Lara’s character, she is inconsistent all throughout the movie. Sometimes, she can deliver the lines like a real actress but majority of the scenes, she destroys it. One noticeable scene is between her and Coney Reyes when she was saying sorry, sorry for a lot of things about Oliver dying, about how she wants to feel happy again...I did not feel the sincerity of Lara! Could it be because she said these words in English? It maybe, yes. But, I guess it is how she delivered it. I was not moved! I don’t know if her facial expression is halfway between crying or smiling, which is really distracting...Another example is her scene with Sam Milby at the church. It is so disappointing, again! Just watch it and you can prove that it is so lame!

Over-all, I rate this film as a common movie. This is among those movies that you can afford not to watch, and let it pass. At least I only paid Php55.00!

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