Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Stand up!-this is what most people say when you fail. For every fall, be brave enough to face it and move forward.
True enough, failure is transitory phase. It is considered the make-or-break point for every individual. Our failure does not necessarily define our future. It helps us create our future instead. It is through mistakes that we learn the best. All that is needed is to have a courageous soul to find the light and a reason to carry on with life.
Until now, I can solidly remember how I cried over a job that I missed. I reached the final interview but did not make it. I got depressed and blamed myself that time. What’s wrong with me was my initial reaction. While my friends already managed to move out, I was there actively searching then my last hope also vanished. Then I opened up to a dear friend, when I heard her words, I realised I shouldn’t be acting that way.
‘If this company did not offer you the job, that means it is not the right opportunity for you...’ These words boosted my morale, my outlook became positive in an instant. Sometimes, a simple advice from a friend or a family can help us take the challenge of failure and move on like a winner.
If other people can see your value, that is good but it is better that we know our self worth. We should arm ourselves not only with knowledge, because everyone can acquire it, but confidence, only few can have it.

Now, I got the opportunity meant for me and working hard to appreciate it more.
Failing to get the job you desire is just an example. In life, in order to survive it, one must have the will to pursue his dream and brave all storms that come his way. The prize is at the end of the tough road...achieving it brings an unexplainable feeling of joy and satisfaction!

LIFE is beautiful, if you know how to value it.

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