Monday, September 21, 2009

Team Yoo-hoo, the team to beat!

Of the things that I am most grateful for when I joined Credo eight months ago and now that I have separated from the company, I'd say it is the infamous team, Yoo-hoo. Back then, I did not know anyone aside from my BFF. I thought of the lateral transfer as a bad career move but time and experience proved me wrong. I learned more than what I expected, knowledge not only work based but friendship, integrity and determination. As I look back and continue to sail my way farther, I still and will always have the family I highly regards of, my friends, the association we each belong to---Team Yoo-hoo a.k.a. Ilocos!

I first started hanging out with a small group, I was invited by Marky who eventually became my black son, Chellie who later on emerged as Jandi and Gatorade, Honey who transformed to Bea and Clark who continuously remains Super Clark. This is the team who once taught me how to drink buckets of Red Horse Beer! hahahaha...I easily surrender to the power of the horse that kicks, but now, I can safely ride on this smiling horse at ease!

What is Yoo-hoo more famous for? It is their cheesesticks which is Leslie's favourite too! As days and weeks pass, Team Yoo-hoo evolves to a bigger group.

(from left to right-me, marky, leslie, jandi, bea, mark)

True enough, the team gets bigger and bigger as new faces are added in the pictures...

This is one big night as almost the whole of the project came in to relax...(from left to right: PB, Ems, Michelle, JOan, Me, Jai, NiƱo) (from front to back on the right: Lourdes, Ines, Honey, Marky, Jandi, Leslie, team leads...) the peak of Boys over Flowers (the Korean Version of Meteor Garden), the flower four of Credo also stood out consisting of me, Jai, Jake and Belgium Boy. Well, time has changed so fast and it seems, the once infamous F4 will become F3?

Ines and Orsi, enjoying the night, ready for the drinking session too, party lights! (below)

The spirit of Yoo-hoo Team extends to Ilocos as we conquered the North! Courtesy of Marie Rose (plus VR)
Long live to Team Yoo-hoo! People might come and go, but Yoo-hoo lives on!
Chlaus-myself-BFF, the important additions to Yoo-hoo, VIPs
Jun-Leslie-PB-Mann-Honey-Malou-Clark-myself-Chellie-Marky-Jai Yoo-hoo...then and now, family picture!

Whenever I look at these pictures, it draws smile to my face. I never realised that you can get so much out of drinking sessions, that you can build friendships in it as I was never into this before. And I am happy because drinking was never an addiction to us but time of bonding only. I simply can not trade my Yoo-hoo team, we are unique! We can speak against each other and laugh afterwards, we can crack jokes instead of crying over heartaches and office problems. In a way, Yoo-hoo is our haven...I did not have the promotion I asked for but got team Yoo-hoo in return!

And in the next escapades, gimmicks, house warming, sessions, press releases, Yoo-hoo is always on the forefront...

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