Sunday, September 6, 2009

budget q 2!

If you are an accounting graduate, what is one thing you are basically good at? The answer is---ooops, not just numbers but analysis!

Sigh...I just finished preparing a short term budget plan for the next 6 months! Why bother? It is because I have to, oh no!

The result? It is pretty hard, if to be followed, that means, we have to live by the centavo!!!

At least I know how to deal with it.

Bo Sanchez's wrote in his book SIMPLIFY LIFE topics on budget and irregular account. For budget, you have to live by the budget and for that irregular account is to set aside some money for emergency purposes apart from the fact that you should have a savings account.

I do agree with Bo but looking several times on the budget I prepared, I don't know where else I get funds for savings and this irregular account but I am optimistic this will happen in the near future.

I might not have my own savings account but I am proud I can send my brothers to school, that is my investment!

Bo was indeed right, if we managed to survive the past years with definitely lower paychecks, why can we not cope with the present?


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