Tuesday, September 8, 2009

50 and TROY

Two questions, irrelevant. What will you do if you are caught between two people fighting over a petty change? How willing are you to sacrifice everything that you have to get the love you believe in?

While on the bus on the way home, I witnessed an argument between the lady collector and the passenger. The young man beside me asked for his 50 pesos change but to my surprise, the lady responded in a high pitch voice and immediately accused the passenger that he was just tricking to get more when she saw the man hid the 50-peso bill. I wished to react but what would I say? I did not see what happened so I stayed mum instead. While the exchange of talks continued, I observed both. If to judge the man's physical, well, he is really a not trusthworthy person, perhaps capable of this hoax but it is not proper. In the end, the man was asked to step off the bus. What a shame!

Reality check. On this case, not only the man has lost his face but the lady collector too. Instead of explaining her side in a polite manner, she kept shouting that the passenger is like a criminal. Both of them has no witness to prove their claims so the best way to settle it is for one to give way. If you are the passenger, how could you win when you are the one riding on their bus and every other passenger is just looking at you? If you are the collector, how will you go through this without raising your voice?

Still on the bus with the bumper to bumper movement on the road, I enjoyed the movie they have, TROY of Brad Pitt. As we know, Paris-Orlando Bloom's character, brought in Helen to their city without thinking the aftermath of his actions, to his family and to his country. He was madly in love with this beautiful woman and the story goes on.

Troy is one of my favourite movies and though I have never read the Iliad, or the epic account of Trojan Wars, the movie is one step already to learn it. Removing all the action parts, boiling down to the core of the movie which I believe is love...love for your country, love for your family, love for your chosen partner. I was deeply touched by the brotherly love shown by Alec Bana's Hector role who chose to fight for his brother Paris, unfortunately lost the duel to Achilles (Pitt) and got killed. All throughout the film, it showed us the meaning of sacrifice and love, both always inter-connected.

What is the price of one's love? How far are you willing to go to get the prize?

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