Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Welcoming 2011, farewell 2010

Year 2011 is very fast approaching, with just 23 days left, we are all looking forward to a whole new beginning, or a continuation of the good things that happened in the previous year rather. With this busy Christmas season of love, giving and forgiving, one should also start planning for next year.

New Year Resolution is a thing of the past, the more important thing now is to strategically plan your future, as they call it properly, SMART goals: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-framed.

How time really flies, the busier you are, the faster it flies.

But before moving on to Year 2011, it is also significant that we reflect on our present year on both the negative and positive aspects of our lives.

Career wise, I must say it was a turn of events, a test of character and spirit, and a challenge of patience.

Year 2010 started with a bang, knowing very late that my former team lead was resigning, and I was the last one to know. It was a test of character and spirit because of constant squabble with the team manager until I reached the boiling point that I erupted and resulted to walking out of the conference room. That I think was the most unforgettable moment for me this year, it was a clash I never thought could happen, my colleagues and friends were astounded by my reaction, igniting and revolting. It was also the day that the new team lead witnessed our fight.

Year 2010 was a turn of events because from Muslim-Christian like relationship I had with my manager, it turned out to be the opposite. Former enemies now allies, so to speak. Irony of the ironies, who would have thought that from the original 5 leads, the team is now down to two individuals, myself and my team manager. My co-leads were re-assigned to other teams. I think no need to state the obvious.

Year 2010 is a challenge of patience because handling India Market is the most stressful thing about it. The market is too demanding and know-it-all and more often, I was arguing against them. Glad that I can over-power and over-rule them, with no escalations.

Year 2010, speaking of career, is a journey as I developed my leadership skills, as I improved my behaviour, and as I prepare for bigger tasks ahead. Who knows?

On another angle, Year 2010 was emotionally and financially catastrophic, on a personal note.
From day 1 till now, I was financially challenged, trying to meet all needs of our family and myself too. Fortunately, help always come along the way and I managed to help others. Difficult indeed but rewarding.

Emotionally because of misunderstandings among family members and within circle of friends. When you learn to humble yourself and find courage to admit your own faults, that tells a lot about yourself.

Now that 2010 is about to end, let us bring forward the lessons learned, and keep with us the memories that shaped ourselves to be the better us that we are presently…

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Alive at Batulao

It was the grandest view I've ever seen on my life. Over-looking the lakes and terrains, I climbed the summit of Mount Batulao ahead of my friends and companions. I was loosing breath yes, but it was all worth it...
The day before 14th of November, everything was normal. Saturday was fully booked. First schedule was Mark's bday in Cubao, but prior to that was the purchase of LCD TV. In the evening, went straight to Megamall with Sarah and Joan, bought Tribu Sandals, ate at Mann Hann and checked on various stores. It was indeed a packed saturday evening, like there was no mountain climb the following morning.
By five o'clock in the morning, I started fixing my things, and shortly after 30 minutes, already on my way to McDo Taft MRT Station, our meet up point, meeting an old friend Diana and Dennis, her partner; and Sarah, who unfortunately went to another McDonalds.
We dine-out the breakfast meal in the bus, and after several chats, dozed off.
After about an hour, we arrived in Batangas. The climate was so cool, giving you the Christmas Spirit. Few minutes later, we were being transferred by a tricycle to our trail's starting point.
What welcomed us was the picturesque view of Mount Batulao. I began visualizing the journey, and what awaits us there on the top. The trek was my very first, same for Sarah, so we were obviously filled with over-flowing excitement.
The journey was all walk in first one and a half hour, it was nothing challenging nor exciting, haha.
However, we felt or so they felt body aches on the old trail. We were climbing up and down the hills. At one point, you are facing down rocks and mud, holding on to anything, even the grass roots to hold your body safely.
Along the way, you learned to greet strangers, and wish them safety on their way back, and they reply the same too.
Funny isn't it, chatting with people you met first time in your life but I think that serves the purpose of one journey like this mountain climbing, you have to associate with many people, they will be your guide and contact sooner or later.
After passing several camp sites, the summit was already inviting us.
Thrilled by this momentous event, I did not notice I was like racing against the time, running instead of climbing. Carrying one bag on my back and Sarah's bag on my chest, I was embracing every rock and soil of the mountain to the summit. I was looking on my sides, I had no support from any, and I was already on a high elevation, any mistake and I might find myself on the bottom and possibly, San Pedro! hahaha.
For the first time in my life, I felt so energized, and very powerful. Why? It is because I didn't had a sleep that night, and I never had a single experience on mountain climbing, not even on wall climbing.
I was giggling inside while stretching my leg to climb up, every step counts. Sometimes, you have to grab on the tiniest rock just to keep on balance, and if lucky, you get to see a rope.
And there I was, loosing breath but still thankful, shouting on top of the mountain and fell in love with God's gift of nature to all of us.
When I got there, I remembered the movie ALIVE which I just saw recently. It was a story of courage and undying hope and will to survive. Crashing to Mount Andes with no chance of getting tracked from the outside, the survivors endured the freezing death of the icy mountains and the raging storms. No water, no food, who would have thought that these people can live for the next 70 days there?
What inspired me most from this movie is that in spite of tragedy and despair, no one can challenge a man's faith to live. The survivors were forced to eat the flesh of their dead friends, one of the highlights of the film- you don't eat, you die...
If I was climbing only Mount Batulao on a fine sunny day, the Andes Survivors were climbing mountains and mountains covered in ice, and life-threatening cliffs, and to top that, no maps or compass to guide them where to climb next in order to get to the borders of Chile.
My Batulao experience and this story of Andes Survivors should be a reflection for everyone, that no matter how hard things become for us, there will always be hope, just have faith. One of the most touching and awakening scenes from the movie is when the two climbers were atop the mountain, the other has surrendered all his might and hopes, but the second man was thanking God for such beauty he was seeing from the top, the scenery he might not even experience or see in his life if not for that tragic plane crash.
There will always be a ray of light even on the darkest times of our lives...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


There is no proper way to start this at all, I am lost for words, and yes, I am distracted. I was supposed to be busy at work, and even though I am finished with my taks, it somehow feels like it is not.
What's happenning to me? --- that's Potter's line on Order of the Phoenix, when Voldemort is getting access to his mind and led Harry to taking the Occlumency lesson with none other than-Professor Snape. Of course, there is no Lord Voldemort on the real world! but the feeling is almost the same, despair and uncertainties...

Writing is becoming my passion recently, nothing professional but self-expression.

I have long planned to do this and glad that finally, I was able to scan one of the best memories of my life, that very day- July 29, 2009.

After a year and 3 months, this very letter still touches myheart the way it originally did when I first had it my hand. I am thankful to have these sweet messages from my friends and no so friends who dedicated their farewell message to me on my last day in Accenture, on my way to Shell.

I missed Accenture for the intelligent and well trained people.

I missed the SMEs, the United Colors of Bennetton, instructors of different nationalities, languages and characters.

I missed Accenture for the open communication and equality

And definitely, I missed Accenture because of my friends, strong circle of friendship bonded by experiences and differences.

But to each is a piece of the puzzle where decisions have to be made and had been determined.

We run in circles, separation is only by distance and not by heart, and where does this article is going, if I might add?

Answer: nothing specific, as I said, my mind is so occupied.

I do hope that my current team here with Shell will have the same journey of friendship and unity as a whole. It is far from realisation but we're slowly getting there.

Now, I am curious how I should put title to this?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Behind the campaign...

I wonder how many have exercised their judicial right to vote. In a very corrupt country like mine, does vote still count?

Vote Wisely, as the campaign goes... Sadly, the electoral process in the Philippines was tarnished long time ago due to prevalent vote buying and un-educated masses when choosing their respective leaders.

Philippines, being a third world country itself was out-performed by neighbouring countries in the Asia Pacific. Years and years of corruption had destroyed the once powerful and humble country of heroes.

On my way to the office, my eyes were feasting to what soon will become additional garbages, colorful fliers and posters of candidates.

I have many times asked myself, why seek for a position in public office knowing the salary is below par? Perhaps, I neet not answer as this will only raise arguments.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Never Say Never?

See I never thought that I could walk through fire.
I never thought that I could take the burn.
I never had the strength to take it higher,
Until I reached the point of no return.

And there's just no turning back,
When your hearts under attack,
Gonna give everything I have, It's my destiny.

I will never say never! (I will fight)
I will fight till forever! (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down,
I will not stay on the ground.
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up up up,
And never say never.

NEVER SAY NEVER, song from blockbuster hit THE KARATE KID that catapulted Jaden Smith into stardom.

NEVER SAY NEVER, can I really say never?

My heart is grounded into pieces, my mind is trapped in abyss.

Now, I am fighting against my own downfall, losing my self control.

I hate this part right here, convincing myself that the people around me cares what is happenning.

I am screaming to the top of my lungs, I am so pissed off.

I am tired, to make them smile and happy when these same people don't even feel the efforts...

I want to run, run, and run...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Journey with Harry Potter

Nine years earlier, I was just like anyone else, an ordinary muggle as Rowling puts it until I watched the first installment of the movie versions that shook my world from then on.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, from its movie alone, brought immediately that something odd about it, in a positive way and as I haven’t read a single page of its books, I had my full confidence on the film only.

The first movie ignited my curiosity that I repeated it thrice when I was still at school, I was 19 years old then but I was like a kid that started to appreciate how nice to be a kid for the first time. When finally I was able to buy my own copy of the book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone at only Ph189.00, I was an immediate certified addict. I fell in love with the book and I used to compare it to the movie and realised there were indeed changes in sequences and script that should have been said by another character but over-all, who cares of the changes, I still enjoy the movie, but would always love the books, its wit and humour!

If Harry Potter’s ticket to wizarding world is his letter from Hogwarts, mine, on the other hand, is the movie which opened my senses to magical world, to the characters I consider I grew up with, ha ha.

From Sorcerer’s Stone to the final book Deathly Hollows, my addiction has never ceased to impress me up to now. After almost a decade, I am as hooked as ever to the books and the movies, and even to the actors who convincingly portrayed the characters into life.

As a book reader, I commend Rowling for her un-challenged intelligence writing the novels loved across all ages. The books have magic on its own, it successfully created a world beyond imagination, a dimension where life is at its fullest, where emotions flips out from the pages to the reader. Sometimes, it even made me curious, the books are for young adults, not children...the book is a timeless classic as early as now.

Recently, I successfully re-read all the books and enjoyed every page of it, no regrets all. I can say, I am more than ready watching the Deathly Hollows on November and I wouldn’t care if I will watch it 7 times?

Now, after 9 years, as I journeyed together with the books' yearly released, Harry Potter had been through a lot of challenges and experiences, and always with his best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. In the same way, I made a fantastic journey too, from university to corporate world. I might not have a foe as wicked as Lord Voldemort but I had had my own shares of bad lucks too but I am glad I have best friends along this journey, from every phase of journey.

The boy who lived’s story has changed people’s lives, mine included. One should remember that even the most adored and loathed characters have transitioned, so as the real actors behind the famous magical names, and so, we shall carry on with our respective lives, bring with us the good lessons of the books to make our lives as perfectly magical as Potter’s, (or choose your own character).

To the boy who lived, long live!

Hear hear!

Friday, October 8, 2010


Open your senses and be amazed of the splending things around...

Have you ever been stopped by unknown reasons in your life? Where you were wanting do something but your mind is completely occupied? If yes, it could be an opportunity to ponder for the time, look around, observe, and appreciate.

When stucked in a slow moving traffic, I keenly observe the driver and passengers. Isn't it surprising that professionals do whine at work though they are most blessed with much cozy workplace while this simple man driving a jeepney eats dust and smells the sun daily? As minutes passed, I am bombarded with so many questions; how much does a driver normally earns in a day? do they own the jeepney? how much can they bring home to their family? how many kids? Turning my gaze from the driver to the passengers, I also press the more intriguing questions; where do they work, what are they in their society, any questions that pop in my mind...

When roaming the mall, and seeing blessed shoppers, I often asked, are they born rich? How big is their house? how much do they earn? and then, on the other end will be the usual window shoppers only, for most often cases, families just loving to be in the mall because it is well air-conditioned. Different reasons for different people.

These are just among the many situations where your curiosity may reach its peak. Should we learn how to observe people, environment, attitudes, places, events, we will come to a point of appreciation that life is majestic, complicated as it is but wonderful.

Right now, I am stucked waiting my outlook to resume working, and I look on my co-shell employees, what do they do in their workstations? are they happy? what keeps them motivated?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Manila's Diagon Alley

If Harry Potter was amazed by Diagon Alley the first time he saw it, I on the other hand was looking at Divisoria on a different perspective...a bright new angle of hope and inspiration.

The bustling crowd at the break of dawn, who can imagine such a busy early hours of the day?

At almost six in the morning, together with my sister and mum, we went there to buy vegetables (budget requires).

Obviously, we need to extend the money in our hands thus the trip to Divisoria but more than the savings are the real life lessons I saw.

Divisoria is as humble as the people in it. Leave behind the garbage sore to your eyes and smell that stinks to your clothes, forget about the mud and the noise, what you'll witness are people driven by their will to earn and survive every second, every minute, every hour of the day and this I vouch as their extremely challenging lives...

Then I continue to observe around me, smiles are flowing through their faces..precious. These people do not work in skyscrapers and obviously do not enjoy the comfort of air-conditioning units but they remain to be hard working, simple, accommodating and positive. In spite of buyers bidding for the lowest prices they can get, sellers are still all up to the practice. Adults, teens, children... they all share the same bond of strength.

This experience teaches me how to better appreciate the prosperity and scarcity that I have both at this moment. True that our family, and personally, I am indebted by thousands of pesos but this proves that our status has been on a steady growth and improvement. Gone were the days in Bulao where we could not afford a cold drinking water, where we do not eat the whole day waiting for mum to bring food to our table, where we have to go to school with nothing but our fare...

I am still learning a lot, education really never ended in school, because our life is a big university. The people that we meet everyday, the challenges that we face and overcome, the struggles that we go through, the pain of achievement all boils down to one thing, these are all part of being human...

Never surrender, as the old cliche says, there is always hope...

Friday, September 10, 2010

Bo's Blogs

Indeed one of the most effective motivational teachers-Bo Sanchez!

From time to time, I visit his blog which I only learned through Facebook. The way he writes stories will definitely uplift everyone's morale as it did on mine.

The latest I read about is to enjoy the NOW, not to fuss on the goods of yesterday or on worrying about tomorrow.

Bo said to not wait because your attention will be focused to TOMORROW; if you don't have a lovelife, enjoy singlehood; if you are married and still missing a baby, embrace the togetherness of being a couple; if you are financially hard-up, enjoy whatever prosperity you have at the moment, so on and so forth.

Right now, I am at lost, in front of the computer, yes, but my mind is both running so fast and slow... thinking of what I should do, and yes, was worried of so many things too. But, why else read Bo's blog if I won't bother applying to myself... that is why I blogged it, and either I go watching RESIDENT EVIL or try exploring my computer today and save important files before I re-format it.

There was no point in worrying yet, what has to come has to come-- a line from my favourite book Harry Potter and speaking of it, two months away from now, I'd be watching the 1st installment of Deathly Hollows! Hooray!

and when that month comes, I hope too that I am already working on my plan...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

the brother's deal i couldn't find a seat, I opt to connect my mobile through free wi-fi.
Now, I am back to blogging, there's so much I want to share at least virtually, haha. I reckon that we found a great opportunity to augment our status and I am more than thankful that soon, we will be able to settle our debts.
I am blogging,who could have thought? blogging through my mobile phone,wow!
A year after I left Accenture, I've been through a lot of financial problems that cost my friends but God is indeed always right, He has bigger plans.
Now, my brother is back working, myself very much respected in the workplace and gaining more friends than ever!
With this new deal I and my brother inked to, the future looks brighter than ever!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Two worlds apart

Two worlds, two identities, but one name….

Exactly a decade earlier, I used to be called by my biological name D-O-W-E-L. Friends, family and classmates addressed me by my first name where letter O is pronounced roundly as O.

10 years after, my name has evolved from letter O to letter A thus from college, I was known to be D-A-W-E-L until the meteor garden phenomenon had had transformed my name to D-A-O.
The change of name was also a transformation of personality. From a timid teen to being very active in the sense that ideas are freely expressed now to friends and colleagues.

Last Saturday, 24th of April, the old world collided with my new world. In a single day, I met the people from my past and to be called by my biological name somehow changed and sounded unfamiliar to me….

Time has indeed flown fast.

Thursday, April 1, 2010



One word I can think of that can describe my current state.

Finally, I am starting to reap off the fruits of my labor. Slowly, I am getting the things that I only bought through my mind before. Thanks to my loyal friends helping me out achieve these things.

It inspires me further to work harder and harder.

Against the odds, I can continue...

Monday, March 29, 2010

ALIAS: A Definite Addiction!

"My name is Sydney Bristow. Seven years ago I was recruited by a secret branch of the CIA called SD-6. I was sworn to secrecy, but I couldn't keep it from my fiance. And when the head of SD-6 found out, he had him killed. That's when I found out the truth. SD-6 is not part of the CIA. I was working for the very people I thought I was working against. So I went to the only place that could help me bring them down. Now, I'm a double agent for the CIA, where my handler is a man named Michael Vaughn. Only one other person knows the truth about what I do, another double agent inside SD-6, someone I hardly know - my father."
The opening line given life by Jennifer Garner, the heroine in the popular series ALIAS.
The series first caught my attention back when I was still in college days, the time when it was dubbed in Filipino Language. It definitely hooked me but failed to watch all its episodes.
6 years later, I am again on the same addiction; my aim, to finish the 5 seasons.
Shockingly, I thought I have seen much of Season 1 of Alias but I was dead wrong! I guess I am only aware to 10-15% of the show so I am enjoying a lot watching it unstoppably whenever there's a chance, even finding a chance if there is none.
What makes it different to other series?
Perhaps, in US audience, action-packed series is common to TV producers but to Filipino market, it is pretty much rare.
Alias is a series that empowers women thus the lead is one.
I have seen Prison Break, also an action-packed US series, and yes, superbly executed but Alias is more intelligently crafted; the complexity of the roles, the brilliance of the actors, the breath-taking fight scenes, the shocking twists, the oustanding plot and free entrance to the world of Intel (short cut for Intelligence, referring to CIA).
These being said, Alias is a complete package where action is thickened further by drama and comic. One might even ask, (as I often asked), is that really the life of a spy?
The story centers on infiltrating a group we can consider as terrorist, to disarm and destroy its existence. Missions were placed to counter-act the activities of this group who is in pursuit of the artifact of a believed prophet Milo Rambaldi.
The story got even more exciting on the entrance of Lena Olin who played the role of Laura Bristow/Irina Derevko, mother to Sydney and was a KGB spy who fooled Jack Bristow to steal details about Project Christmas; a project aimed to discover future spies by testing 5 year old children.
Lena Olin's character proved to be the most mysterious, and the best next to Sydney, I must admit. Her ability to charm and manipulate the people around her has successfully made the series a show you can't miss even myself was convinced of her genuine desire to help CIA, and her love for Sydney. Irina Derevko, with the sound of her name, it makes me think right away, is she an enemy of the state or an ally?
Now that I am onto Season 3, I am still hoping that the characters I love will stay to the very end, Will Tippin (Sydney's trusted friend, a journalist who was framed up, twice!); Marcus Dixon and Marshal Flinkman (former SD-6 operatives, both also jumped to CIA upon learning the truth); Michael Vaughn (Sydney's handler from CIA who eventually became her love interest); Arvin Sloane and Sark (the enemies you want to kill slowly); Jack Bristow (Sydney's ever loving father but reserved) and Irina Derevko (Sydney's mother playing on both sides).
Surely, I made the right decision buying the DVD box set of ALIAS!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Shocking news hit me about PUP's proposed increase in their tuition fee. From 12/unit, it will be up to 200/unit while a 100% hike on miscellaneous fee.

Being a PUP graduate myself, I could hardly believe this bold move by PUP's management. The university is state-owned and shelter most of our bright fellow Filipinoes who can't afford exclusive schools. With this in mind, the government should continue to protect the interest of the majority in order to produce the best young minds in the future.

PUP was well known to be home to activists where almost all issues (e.g., political) are tackled. More than the front it was known to, the university lived up to the standards of competing against private and exclusive schools, though it may not be among the same category of UP or Ateneo, one could not deny the fact that PUP has been and is still a breeding ground to high caliber graduates.

However, the proposed increase must be carefully evaluated as not to provoke further the already provoked students and activists of PUP. This sudden step might be taken as a big leap, perhaps, a minimal increase could be more well accepted.

Sure enough, this move as bold as it will further strengthen the university and become a better provider of quality education if and only the increase is aimed to such objectives, the aftermath otherwise.

What ponders me now, in case I want to take another course, should I still go for PUP?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


It's been six years... and the dream has never ceased to exist.

The road to its attainment will be tougher than ever, difficult indeed, but the mind has to follow the will of the heart.

Others have succeeded, I myself will have to focus on achieving it as well.

Never say surrender, I will buy my time, I will have my time and the world will know.



..the word that can best describe my current state.

I’ve finished watching GARFIELD in the office, have surfed a lot as well but the fact remains, I am still bored.

Before, I can barely leave my workstation but now, I am counting every second, waiting for the shift to end fast.

A lot have changed, I can do my work in less than 3 hours. I have mastered my role and that caused me to feel like this.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Diamond within Credo

Pictures paint a thousand words, indeed true!

Magnificently amazed by the hundreds of pictures saved in the computer, it brought me back to my wonderful past years and one of them is my Accenture Days. I know for a fact that it was just 6 months ago but it seems time has gone by so fast.

Looking at the pictures is like looking at my high school days. I say high school because the experiences Accenture gave me is incomparable, I've been through a lot!

The two transitions I'd been with Accenture were both fantastic!

The pictures below belong with my Project Credo.

Among the most memorable is during month end close where we used to stay at Legend Villas. Instead of getting a good night rest, we just chat and chat till morning then go straight for breakfast then sleep for a few hours and next thing we know, it's time to report back at the office!

Who would have thought I'd be receiving recognition? Majority of my teammates are CPAs! Wow! To receive such a commendation was such a momentous event. True enough, Credo is one diamond account because of the skills and learning we get everyday. To Credo, all the best!

Just like high school, all things come to an end and 29th of July is one night I could never ever forget! I was indeed speechless, did not utter sensible words on my goodbye speech and all that I did is to scratch my neck!!!

Credo was both worlds, the fun at the workplace and the thrill of the outside world! Gimmicks at Yoohoo, Kuago, Decades, Mandaluyong House, Ascend @ The Fort, Greenbelt...

Why cry at the challenge and pressure of work when you can party, dance, sing and drink with your colleagues and friends?!

Accenture...could be your haven or your nightmare, depends on how you live it!

Until then...

The Journey

What a great year to start February than to learn the best news so far, my sister is now a certified nurse! I'm prouder than ever!
I could not paint the happiness that glowed in my sister and mum's faces when they got hold of the site listing the November 2009 board passers.
What further excites me as early as now is the fact that by April or May 2010, my elder brother will graduate college, another addition to our humble family.
Then by March, my brother in Dubai will come home after two years, being away from us. I'm pretty sure he will get a decent and high paying job considering his expertise so goodbye to his employer who lost a gem.
By June, my youngest brother will enroll his last year in PUP too!
2010 is a welcoming year for all of us. The journey of struggles and sacrifices started to prove its worth. We are now reaping the fruits.
Though I could not buy myself Starbucks when my friends do, I focus myself to other and more important things, our future.
I day dream a lot-paying monthly for our own house and lot, having a festive Sunday meal in the mall, doing groceries... These things make me smile.
Never surrender for people and things you believe in.
I never gave up on my family, an unusual tree with one root but three big branches.
I never gave up on my own dreams because I know, I will attain it in His time.
I never gave up on my real friends, I might have removed some but I retained the most important people who shaped my being ever since.
I never gave up... and will never ever give up.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Finally, shopping is no longer through the glass walls of mall stores! Now, I just had a shopping spree at the most famous place. Oops, not Greenbelt, Ayala, Robinson or SM Malls, definitely not! The best place the budget can buy---DIVISORIA!!!

It was an unforgettable experience for me and my mum who enjoyed visiting every store looking for the best clothes yet the most affordable.

From 4pm to 9pm, we explored Tutuban Mall, 168 and nearby buildings. At the end of the day, we brought home pants, polo, long sleeves, shirts, bags, jeans and others. The prices are definitely worth it, these items would only equivalent to four formal polo or long sleeves in MEMO or ONESIMUS, and could even be lesser.

The good thing about Divisoria, apart from the obvious fact of affordable prices, the quality and designs are above expectations.

I did realise, I was happy seeing my mum buying her jeans and bags, it made me smile. I don't think I could be happy in case I buy myself an expensive touch screen phone or the like.

Happiness comes in small packages and surprises---that is a known fact.

Now, we'll make this a habit every month after payday.

Until our next trip to Divisoria! Yipee!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fishballs, squidballs, etc.,

Affordable, delicious, yummy...

Three descriptions that could satisfy my food craving however I am not referring to expensive meals in restaurants but only to street foods---fish ball, kikiam, squid ball, chicken ball!
Whenever there’s a chance, I stop by the street vendor and eat this. Lucky for me, my stomach enjoys street food.

I remember when I was in senior year in high school, I was designated the page editor for our school paper for Livelihood Section on my first try out in writing. I sat in one of the benches in our town’s park. From there, I just drafted a story about Angono’s known products and it’s neighbouring town and the rest is history.

Among the articles I submitted and got published was about street foods (e.g., fish ball, squid ball, kikiam, chicken ball..etc), how profitable this small business is. The article was beautifully written out of a vendor in the town who started with very small capital and no permanent stall but later on grew and take note, with a big stall!

The article was well received by readers but what they never found out that remains a secret of the author to date-the article was just a product of imagination and creative thinking. Haha!
The page won the first prize in school writing for Livelihood stories, thanks to fish ball, kikiam, squidball and chicken ball!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


The easiest thing to do is despise but the hardest is to set yourself free not of your enemies but of your friends...
The journey continues...true enough, you will walk with some people along the way. These people you will spend time with, laughing with and sometimes, crying with.
However, there will be a point when you will wake up that everything has limitations, realising that perhaps, it is better to walk alone in your journey than to be with a lot but none will be there to hold your hand when you needed it most.
To hate an enemy is easier than to forget who you treated as friends.
In our lives, we simply live by the fact: enjoy the company who you can share your pains.
Friendships do really come with a price tag and so, happy journey to everyone!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

she will always be my mum...

...just the second day of the year and I woke up hearing arguments between my mum and my younger sister. suddenly, it dawned on me the realisation that my mum is more tired than she was before and tears started to flood my cheek.

I was never a good son, yet. I am still failing in terms of supporting mum and my siblings and it pains me to know that, not because I am giving up but because I always wanted seeing them all happy.

I loathed myself now that I sometimes feel wrong about the situation, that I feel I was trapped in a family I don't want to be in anymore. However, this same emotion is what driving me more to love my family especially my mum. She might not be the mum who stayed beside me every night finishing assignments, or being there on school occasions, but she was the one who raised us all, and that is enough for me to be thankful for, to have her as my mum.

I can forget problems into drinking but I never did, drinking for me is enjoying with your colleagues and friends not an escape route for your personal worries.

One thing I could be grateful for, I can function in the office as expected despite these family problems and I will always push myself to excellence in order to be a good provider. Problems stay in the house and in my mind, bringing it to office wouldn't lessen it.

Funny that I took the Accountancy course because right now, our lives all depends on numbers, and it is a cycle of numbers that keep us all breathing.

This Year 2010, I am happy because I am blessed to have some of my real and trusted friends, from old days (high school, college, previous companies) and the new ones too.

I learned my own lessons, not to expect of everyone to act how I want them to be. For that, I won't get disappointed.

As for my mum, I will never stop working hard and appreciating her as it will never be enough to repay her. Four months from now, it will be our birthday, just two days apart from each other, and I hope to give her the best birthday present a son could give to his mother...
